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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

אגודת צער בעלי חיים בישראל קולטת כלבים מבית לחם - צילום: דורון אורסיאנו ויטנר

Bethlechem – Tel Aviv

Helping out dogs – evetwhere: SPCA Israel rescued 15 dogs from Bethlechem, rehabilitated them and helped them find devoted owners and loving homes as they deserve

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שיקום כלבה - אגודת צער בעלי חיים בישראל

Blacky’s Rehabilitation

A happy ending: After being hit by a car and found injured alongside Highway 6, Blacky went through a long rehabilitation at the Society and ultimately found a warm and loving home

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Sia Dolorosa

A dog,cruelly tied to a pole in the sea, almost drowned. She was saved by a passer-by, received dedicated treatment at the SPCA and has found a warm home

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הגורות שננטשו

Cruel abandonment

A bitch and her four puppies were left out in the open and abandoned before being rescued by the SPCA

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My Little Zippo

A moving letter from one of the staff members of the SPCA, telling the story of a bitch who was rescued from the flames and who found a new home

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חילוץ גורי כלבים ממאורה

The Secret Lair

The rescue mission of puppies that had been abandoned in the wild in the Sharon area was a great success

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הכלבים במחסן קטן בקבוצת כנרת

Dogs in Darkness

After the intervention of the Society, dogs were rescued that had been kept in a small storeroom at Kvutzat Kinneret and had suffered neglect and abuse

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