
I was orphaned when I was only three months old and I suffered from developmental problems because of a lack of mother's milk. In the SPCA stables they take care of me and I even have an adopted mother - Cheetah - who watches out for me and never leaves me for even a moment

The filly, Shirley, was born on a farm where conditions for rearing her were inappropriate. Her mother was in depleted physical condition, which prevented her from nursing Shirley and caused developmental problems. She reached the SPCA stables when she was three months old, suffering from undernourishment, a weakened pelvic area and hind legs and had a limp. Due to the lack of mother’s milk, she was underweight so was given nutritional supplements and a milk substitute suited to foals.

Shirley on her arrival at the SPCA
Shirley on her arrival at the SPCA

During the last few months Shirley has gained strength and is slowly gaining weight. She underwent professional hoof-trimming and dental filing, and in order to strengthen and rehabilitate the pelvic area and her legs, the stables staff worked with her consistently, taking her for slow, gentle walks on a rope lead. From her first day in the SPCA stables, Shirley was adopted by Cheetah, a mature, eighteen year old mare.

Shirley and Cheetah – never apart
Shirley and Cheetah – never apart

Update: 2.5 years after Shirley started her rehabilitation process, we found for her a farm, and now she enjoys quiet life with other horses.


For long years, I slaved away pulling wagons while my health was neglected. Luckily for me, I reached the SPCA stables, where I am undergoing rehabilitation and getting professional, medical care. In the stables I adopted Shirley, a young orphaned filly

For many years Cheetah, a mature, eighteen year old mare, worked as a slave, pulling heavy wagons and suffering abuse while her medical problems were neglected. She arrived at the SPCA stables with severe wounds and in extremely low physical condition. During her rehabilitation Cheetah was given disinfecting washes, fed nourishing food, had her hoofs trimmed and her teeth filed. Gradually she gained weight under a controlled regimen.

Cheetah undergoing dental filing
Cheetah undergoing dental filing

One month after Cheetah came here to us, a young filly, named Shirley, joined the stables. Amazing Cheetah adopted her and doesn’t leave her for a moment.

Cheetah enjoys a cool, refreshing shower
Cheetah enjoys a cool, refreshing shower
Cheetah and her adopted daughter, Shirley
Cheetah and her adopted daughter, Shirley

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Cheetah was adopted by owners of a private horse farm.


The SPCA team rescued me when I was on the verge of death. They took care of me with much dedication and now, very gradually, I am getting stronger. I am fed special, nutritious food that helps me to gain weight, but my rehabilitation process is expected to take a very long time

The horse Hamsa (7 years old)  was found in the Taibe area, wounded and very underweight. She had collapsed from exhaustion and could not get back up on her feet. With much effort, the team managed to lift her on to a trailer and take her to the Society’s stables.

Hamsa where she was found - exhausted and unable to stand
Hamsa where she was found – exhausted and unable to stand

According to the veterinarian who examined her, she was on the verge of death and, had she not been rescued, it is likely that she would have died within a few days. The examination also revealed that she was dehydrated, malnourished, in need of hoof trimming after a long period of neglect, and needed to have her teeth filed. She was also put on an intensive course of antibiotics to treat a serious open wound on her back, apparently caused by misuse of her saddle.

The rehabilitation process - nourishing food and treatment for the open wounds
The rehabilitation process – nourishing food and treatment for the open wounds

In addition to antibiotics, Hamsa was given analgesics and now her wounds are healing. The main challenge was to help her gain weight and in order to achieve this, she was put on a diet of highly nutritious food and expensive dietary supplements but, due to the condition of her teeth, she had difficulty eating. After a few weeks, during which time Hamsa got a little stronger, her teeth were filed and now it is easier for her to eat. She has become more vivacious but still suffers from exhaustion, spends a lot of time lying down, and the weight-gaining process is expected to be prolonged.

The wounds being treated intensively
The wounds being treated intensively

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Hamsa was adopted by a private horse farm near Ashkelon.


Long years of forced labor and neglect had left their mark on me, till the SPCA team rescued me from my torture and brought me to the safety of the Society's stables. Now I am undergoing rehabilitation and upon completion of the process I will be found new and loving owners

For a long time Paz (12 years old) was forced to work, pulling heavy, loaded wagons while her owners neglected her health. The result: long hooves that weren’t treated and affected his balance, substandard weight, wounds and chafing caused by improvised harnessing, and worms.

Gradual weight gain
Gradual weight gain

Following a report to the SPCA call center from passers-by, she was brought to our stables and started on her rehabilitation process which included nourishing food to help her gain weight, deworming, professional hoof trimming and shoeing, and ongoing care of her wounds.

The forced labor and neglect are now behind her - Paz is in good hands
The forced labor and neglect are now behind her – Paz is in good hands

Paz’s condition improved gradually and she is in the midst of the rehabilitation process.

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Paz was adopted by owners of a private horse farm.


I am only one year old but have already gone through much hardship: I was cruelly abused, starved and neglected till I collapsed. Fortunately I was rescued by the SPCA, and thanks to the loving care that I received and the rehabilitation I am undergoing, I will soon be fully recovered

Following a report to the SPCA call center regarding a donkey that collapsed in South Tel Aviv, a special team set out to the location. The one year old donkey was in a state of exhaustion, extremely thin, weak, dehydrated, suffering from injuries in many parts of his body and was unable to stand on his feet.

Zion in the place where he was found, exhausted and unable to stand on his feet
Zion in the place where he was found, exhausted and unable to stand on his feet

The donkey, who was named Zion, was brought to the SPCA stables where he received first aid, which included infusions of fluids, nourishing food and rest. The wounds in the chest and legs areas were treated, and at a later stage he was given professional hoof trimming.

A few days later - Zion gained some strength and is standing on his feet
A few days later – Zion gained some strength and is standing on his feet

The rehabilitation process has not yet been completed; Zion continues to receive special food and is slowly gaining weight and we hope that soon we will be able to find him a new and responsible home.

Zion in the Society's stables - the abuse and neglect are behind him
Zion in the Society’s stables – the abuse and neglect are behind him

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Zion was adopted by a private farm in a Kibbutz in the north of the country.


Hard labor, pulling heavy loads, beating and criminal neglect were the daily reality of my life till I came here to the SPCA stables. The SPCA staff began to rehabilitate me with great devotion and today I feel much better and hope soon to find a new home

Adorable Gingi (7 years old) was abandoned in Tel Aviv where he was found in bad condition: thin, exhausted, suffering from many wounds and deep cuts in the hip area that caused him terrible pain while his neglected hooves testified to the fact that he hadn’t been cared for, over a long period of time.

Exhausted, thin and suffering from cuts all over his body
Exhausted, thin and suffering from cuts all over his body

When he was brought to the SPCA stables and underwent a veterinary examination, Gingi was started on a course of antibiotics and analgesics, along with rest and nourishing food. Once he gained a little strength, Gingi was administered a deworming injection and given professional hoof trimming.

From slavery to freedom - Gingi at the beginning of the rehabilitation process
From slavery to freedom – Gingi at the beginning of the rehabilitation process

Now Gingi is continuing to gain weight gradually, his wounds are healing and we hope that soon he will be ready to go to a new and responsible adoptive home.

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Gingi was adopted by a private horse farm in the north of the country.


Strenuous work, lifting heavy loads and being severely beaten were my lot in life, till I was saved and brought to the SPCA stables. The SPCA team took loving care of me and today I am healthy, my weight is normal and all I found a loving adoptive home

Mogli, a 9 year old horse, reached the SPCA stables after a long period of forced labor. He was found harnessed to a wagon loaded with iron in South Tel Aviv, in poor condition, hungry and wounded.

Forced labor - Mogli harnessed to a wagon
Forced labor – Mogli harnessed to a wagon

There were cuts on his body, apparently caused by the iron bars and the harnessing that was unprofessionally fitted, his legs were swollen from the strenuous work, his hooves were neglected and had not been trimmed for a long time.

Mogli when he arrived at the Society - thin, hungry and wounded
Mogli when he arrived at the Society – thin, hungry and wounded

On veterinary recommendation, Mogli was given a long period of recuperation, his wounds were tended and he was provided with special food. When his hooves grew he was given professional hoof-trimming, and he was also neutered and given all the required vaccinations.

Mogli during the period of rehabilitation, gaining weight and with his wounds treated
Mogli during the period of rehabilitation, gaining weight and with his wounds treated

Mogli has reached standard weight, his state of health improved and after a long process of rehabilitation we found for him an adoptive home.


Having suffering terrible abuse and when I could no longer work, I was abandoned and left in dreadful pain. Fortunately I was brought to the SPCA Horses' Guest House, where I was treated devotedly and underwent a long process of rehabilitation. Today the pain and hard work are merely a distant memory

Maria, 8 year old horse,  was found roaming in South Tel Aviv, apparently after her owners had abused her over a long period of time. They had deprived her of food and left her to her fate when her strength gave out and she could no longer work. Maria was emaciated and in very bad condition. She was dehydrated and battered all over her body. A veterinarian specialist who was called to the Society determined that she was totally exhausted, suffering from malnutrition and wounds in her rib area and on both her sides. In the neck area she had infected open wounds and one of her legs was extremely swollen.

Maria in the place she was found, thin and exhausted
Maria in the place she was found, thin and exhausted

Maria was given intensive care for a long time and her sores were drained and disinfected. Special food with vitamin supplements brought about a consistent weight gain, and when her pain decreased, she became more relaxed and calm. Later on Maria was given deworming treatment, teeth filing and hoof trimming.

Sores and injuries all over her body
Sores and injuries all over her body

After a long process of rehabilitation, we found for Maria a farm, and today she lives happily  in good conditions (main photo).


If you had seen me when I first got here, you wouldn't believe your eyes today. I was a scared, young and obstinate foal suffering from malnutrition and unable to trust anyone. Madonna adopted and nursed me and slowly but surely I managed to gain weight Today I am a healthy and friendly horse

Oliver, 1.5 year old foal, was found wandering around the Um el Fahum area in a state of dehydration and suffering from acute malnutrition. Oliver’s rehabilitation in the Society stables, that included primarily providing nutritional supplements and a lot of love, took a very long time because most of the time he refused to eat and didn’t allow anyone to come near him. Those who helped him were his fellow horses, especially Madonna, a mature mare who adopted him and even nursed him; her young foal, Justin and another foal called Brigitte.

Oliver on the day he reached the stables - thin, exhausted and scared
Oliver on the day he reached the stables – thin, exhausted and scared

After many long months of rehabilitation Oliver was declared a success story. From an emaciated foal, sick and frightened to death he was transformed into a handsome horse, both sociable and confident. Today he has reached his correct weight and lives a happy and healthy life in the Society’s Guest House for Horses.

Oliver today - an energetic and healthy foal
Oliver today – an energetic and healthy foal

Update: Oliver’s rehabilitation process took almost two years, and at the age of four he has finally found a permanent and safe home in a private farm in the Judean Hills.

Oliver with his new owner
Oliver with his new owner


After 18 years of back-breaking toil I have finally come out of slavery to freedom and have reached a safe haven, just before Passover. The SPCA team accepted me to the Horses' Guest House, immediately began to treat me and gave me the name Shula

Shula, a lovely eighteen-year-old mare, was found wandering on the streets and brought to the Society in a state of total exhaustion.

A veterinary examination revealed that Shula was in very bad physical condition: she was suffering from malnutrition and had a neglected sore eye that had become severely infected.

Shula before surgery - suffering from an eye injury that had been neglected for a long time
Shula before surgery – suffering from an eye injury that had been neglected for a long time

She underwent surgery to remove the eye and is now on an intense course of antibiotics and analgesics. She is given special food; a nourishing mixture specifically for horses that will bring her up to her correct weight within a few months.

Shula undergoing surgery to remove her eye
Shula undergoing surgery to remove her eye

After a long process of rehabilitation in the Society’s stables, we found a good loving home for shula.

Shula enjoying herself in the Horses' Guest House
Shula enjoying herself in the Horses’ Guest House