
I was saved thanks to the determination of the SPCA staff, who chased after me for five hours until the authorities arrived. Once I was rescued from my abusive owners and brought to the Society's stables, I underwent rehabilitation and today I am ready to go to a new home

Following a report lodged at the SPCA call center about a horse harnessed to a wagon loaded with iron, SPCA representatives chased after the horse while the authorities – the Tel Aviv municipality and the police – chose to ignore the incident. Only after five hours of chasing the horse all over the city, the authorities’ representatives arrived and confiscated the horse who had suffered at the hands of its abusive owners.

Daud during the chase, pulling a loaded wagon
Daud during the chase, pulling a loaded wagon

When poor Daud reached the Society, veterinary examination revealed that he was undernourished and suffering from sores caused by the way he had been tied to the wagon and the severe whip lashes that he incurred. The heavy loads that he pulled over a long period of time had caused serious damage to his legs, particularly the hind legs, which were found to have infections and edema. In addition, damage was found in the muscles which caused instability, his shoes had been neglected for a long time and his hooves were in need of extensive treatment.

Daud being treated in the SPCA Guest House for Horses
Daud being treated in the SPCA Guest House for Horses

Daud underwent extensive rehabilitation, was neutered, gained weight – thanks to the high quality food he was given – his wounds healed and his teeth were filed. There is still some swelling in the fetlock area, and so he is not fit for intensive riding.

From slavery to freedom - Daud enjoying a peaceful life in the SPCA Guest House for Horses
From slavery to freedom – Daud enjoying a peaceful life in the SPCA Guest House for Horses

Afer a long process of rehabilitation that took a year and a half, we found a good home for Daud.


I was attacked by dogs and was in a terrible state: the bites around my nose made it difficult to breathe and once I was brought to the SPCA stables I had emergency surgery. They took care of me lovingly for three months and today I am a happy and healthy donkey

The 2 year old cute donkey, Pinocchio, was found in the Mateh Benyamin area suffering from deep wounds on his nose, lower jaw and hind-quarters, apparently caused by dog bites. In a report written by the veterinarian after examining Pinocchio, it is written: “The donkey is suffering from deep cuts in the nostril and sinus areas that match dog bites. The deep cuts reach the frontal sinus area, preventing the donkey from breathing fully and correctly, the nostrils are blocked due to the collapse of the sinuses and parts of the sinuses that are blocking the lower section of the nostrils”.

Pinocchio on his arrival at the SPCA - suffering from deep cuts and having difficulty breathing
Pinocchio on his arrival at the SPCA – suffering from deep cuts and having difficulty breathing

The rehabilitation process that Pinocchio went through included surgery in the nostril area that relieved his breathing, His wounds were treated with antibiotics, analgesics and disinfecting washes.

The deep cuts were treated with antibiotics and disinfecting washes
The deep cuts were treated with antibiotics and disinfecting washes

After three months of intensive treatment Pinocchio recovered, was neutered and found a new home in the North.

Before and after - thanks to the treatment, the nostril area has healed
Before and after – thanks to the treatment, the nostril area has healed



After my last owners abandoned me I wandered around, a bit confused, until they brought me to the Horses' Home. The other horses welcomed me and my caregivers say that I have a long period of rehabilitation in front of me but that afterwards they will find me a new home

Arif got his name because he was found wandering in the Moshav Beit Arif area, in the agricultural fields, on the roads and around the residential area of the Moshav.

On his arrival at the Society’s stables, he underwent veterinary examination which determined that he was underweight, in need of hoof trimming and anti-worm treatment and was suffering from wounds in his hind legs, apparently from being tied up in an unfit manner.

Arif on the day he was taken in by the SPCA, thin and in bad physical condition
Arif on the day he was taken in by the SPCA, thin and in bad physical condition

The 12 year-old Arif will undergo rehabilitation in the Society’s Horses’ Home and then, once he regains his strength, we will do our utmost to find him a suitable home.

Arif at the end of rehabilitation - having gained strength and weight
Arif at the end of rehabilitation – having gained strength and weight

Update: After a long process of rehabilitation that took a year, we found an adoptive home for Arif in Ben Shemen area.


I reached the SPCA stables wounded and worn-out after some heartless youths abused me. I was looked after and treated well for a few months, gained weight and my sores healed, and now I am living in a safe farm that adopted me

Following a police report of a poor donkey being ridden by two youths who were beating him up in the Oranit area, and after all the parties to whom the police officer had approached had turned their back on him (including the person responsible in the Ministry of Agriculture), a SPCA team set out to the location. The poor, exhausted 3 year old donkey, that was named Oren, was taken in a special wagon to the SPCA stables in a state of exhaustion.

A veterinary examination revealed that Oren was not only very thin but that he was suffering from sores on his back and chest areas, indicating that in addition to being beaten, he was harnessed to a wagon and forced to pull heavy loads.

Oren during rehabilitation in the SPCA stables
Oren during rehabilitation in the SPCA stables

Once he was released from the circle of suffering, Oren began the process of rehabilitation that took half a year and included high quality, nourishing food, intensive washes for his sores with disinfectants, and rest.

The sores were treated with disinfectant washes
The sores were treated with disinfectant washes

When his sores healed and Oren gained weight, he was neutered and a new home was found for him in the north of the country.

Oren after rehabilitation in his new home
Oren after rehabilitation in his new home


No one has any idea how I got to Mazkeret Batya and why I was abandoned, but luckily I was taken to the SPCA stables where they took me in, fed me nourishing food and treated the scabies that I was suffering from

The sweet donkey, Gedalia, was found roaming around Mazkeret Batya, having run away from or been abandoned by his owners, and reached the SPCA stables following a report made to the SPCA call center by passers-by. Gedalia, one and a half years old, was examined by the veterinarian, who concluded that he needed special food, a deworming shot, washes and special creams to treat scabies and the deep wounds from which he was suffering.

Gedalia during rehabilitation
Gedalia during rehabilitation

During rehabilitation in the stables, Gedalia gained weight, was neutered and had his hooves trimmed. The area affected by scabies was treated by daily washes with disinfectants and ointments until it was completely clear and the hair had grown back.

The scabies was treated and the hair started to grow back
The scabies was treated and the hair started to grow back

Three months after Gedalia arrived here, the rehabilitation process was complete. He has become a healthy and happy donkey and has found an adoptive home in the North.

Gedalia after rehabilitation in his new home
Gedalia after rehabilitation in his new home


I am the oldest horse in the stables and when they brought me here I was suffering from under-nourishment, pressure-sores and a leg wound. Despite the pain I was suffering, I made no complaints when the staff treated me and now I am still working on getting back my perfect figure

We will never know what Gia, a 25 year-old mare, experienced before she was found abandoned and brought to the Society, but her condition indicated that she had been forced into hard labor and suffered criminal neglect for many years.

Gia on the day she reached the stables – very thin, and suffering from pain all over her body
Gia on the day she reached the stables – very thin, and suffering from pain all over her body

Upon being taken in to the Society, Gia was diagnosed with under-nourishment, pressure-sores over her whole body and had a serious leg wound. The initial treatment administered to Gia included liquids and analgesics. She was treated for an extended period of time with antibiotics and frequent dressing of her wounds. She was fed special, quality food and given nutritional supplements to increase her body weight. Gia is a calm and good-natured horse who, despite suffering severe pain, allowed the groom and medical staff to treat her.

The infected wound in the leg area before treatment
The infected wound in the leg area before treatment
The bedsores are apparent on her legs and the side of her body as a result of lying on that side
The bedsores are apparent on her legs and the side of her body as a result of lying on that side

After six months of intensive treatment Gia recovered from her sores and leg wound and now has her hooves shoed and trimmed on a regular basis. She still needs to gain weight, continues to get nutritional supplements and, on veterinary advice, is no longer ridden but here in the Society she is allowed to enjoy a calm and pleasant life.

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Gia was adopted by owners of a private horse farm.


My name is Butch and I was a very young foal when I came here with my sister, Zoe. I was suffering from malnutrition and a fungus infection but thanks to the medical and loving care I was given by the staff, I recovered completely and today I am enjoying a full and happy life

Butch, a young foal of a few months of age, was found wandering in the central regions with his sister, Zoe. He was brought to the Society stables in a state of dehydration, suffering from malnutrition and fungus on his legs and chest areas.

Zoe and Butch are never apart in the Horses' Guest House
Zoe and Butch are never apart in the Horses’ Guest House

During his rehabilitation, Butch was administered intravenous fluids, treated for worms, had his fungus sterilized and given nutritional supplements to help him gain weight. When his condition stabilized he began to eat regularly, and today he is an energetic and impressive horse, who enjoys a peaceful life beside his sister and the other horses in the stables.

Butch today - the long rehabilitation period is crowned with success
Butch today – the long rehabilitation period is crowned with success

Update: After a long process of rehabilitation Butch found an adoptive home and he lives happily with other horses.


My name is Zoe, and when I reached the Society, along with my brother Butch, I was scared, limping and wounded. At first it wasn't easy, but with intensive care I recovered completely and today I am a happy and healthy mare

Zoe, a young foal of a few months of age was found wandering in the central region together with her brother Butch. She reached the Society stables with a pronounced limp in her right leg and a swollen knee. It was decided to treat her for a few weeks with antibiotics and analgesics, while administering nutritional supplements and preventive care against worms.

Zoe's skin cleared up after being treated for a fungus condition
Zoe’s skin cleared up after being treated for a fungus condition

Zoe, who was very nervous, opened up with time and her self-confidence increased, with not a little help from her brother and the other horses in the stables.

Zoe and Butch are never apart in the Horses' Home
Zoe and Butch are never apart in the Horses’ Home

Today she is in excellent shape, her leg has healed completely and she is blossoming and happy.

Zoe today, a candidate for the title of Beauty Queen of the Stables
Zoe today, a candidate for the title of Beauty Queen of the Stables

After a long rehabilitation process Zoe was adopted by a farm and gets good care.


If you had seen me a year ago, when I first got here, I am sure you wouldn't have given me the noble name of Caesar. Due to a long period of neglect my eye was in bad shape and the staff here in the Society looked after me devotedly until I was fully recovered

Caesar was found wandering in the Sharon area, apparently abandoned by his owners. He reached the Society stables suffering from a wound under his left eye. Because the wound had been neglected an Aberonella (fly-worm maggots hatching ground) developed in the area.

Caesar on the day he reached the stables - suffering from fly-worm maggots in the eye area
Caesar on the day he reached the stables – suffering from fly-worm maggots in the eye area

Caesar was treated with antibiotics to heal the wound and prevent infection, while a special fly mask was put on her for a few weeks. In a short time the handsome Caesar was crowned Prince of the Stables. Thanks to his good-natured ways he gets on well with the donkeys and the other horses in the Society’s Guest House for Horses.

Caesar being administered deworming inoculation
Caesar being administered deworming inoculation

After a very long rehabilitation process Caesar found an adoptive home.

Caesar today - healthy, energetic and the eye wound is healed completely
Caesar today – healthy, energetic and the eye wound is healed completely


My name is Alex, I am a wonderful horse, very sociable and blind in one eye. I think that that is the reason that I was abandoned. Luckily I was brought to the Society where my leg was treated and I was taught how to go out for rides with all the necessary caution

Alex, a two and a half year old horse, was discovered wandering in the central region. Upon arrival in the Society he was found to be blind in his right eye, apparently from a sharp object that pierced his eye.

Alex on the day he arrived at the stables - rather thin and scared, staying in his stall most of the time due to the wound in his leg
Alex on the day he arrived at the stables – rather thin and scared, staying in his stall most of the time due to the wound in his leg

Veterinary examination established that the blindness is permanent, there being no way to save the sight in that eye. In addition, Alex suffered from a wound in his left leg that needed sterilization and stitches.

Alex manages well despite his impaired vision
Alex manages well despite his impaired vision

Alex turned out to be an exceptional horse – he is particularly friendly, loves to kiss and to be stroked and enjoys expending energy by going out for rides. Rides have to be undertaken with great skill and very carefully due to his blindness.

Alex today - perfectly healthy, vivacious despite his impaired vision, and the wound on his leg has completely healed
Alex today – perfectly healthy, vivacious despite his impaired vision, and the wound on his leg has completely healed

After a long process of rehabilitation we found a new home for Alex in a nice farm.