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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

Happy Hanukkah!

Soon enough, another year is coming to an end. On this Hanukkah, as we do all year round, we wish for a great miracle to all the abandoned animals, a miracle to happen here and now across our shelter, and that we will never stop believing miracles happen every day.

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אגודת צער בעלי חיים בישראל קולטת כלבים מבית לחם - צילום: דורון אורסיאנו ויטנר

Bethlechem – Tel Aviv

Helping out dogs – evetwhere: SPCA Israel rescued 15 dogs from Bethlechem, rehabilitated them and helped them find devoted owners and loving homes as they deserve

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