We have a serious emergency situation

A true and long term hardship

For the last six months or so, the number of applicants for adopting cats and dogs, has drastically reduced and amounts to very few adoptions, which are the lifeline of the animals and us.

It is very sad and heart breaking to daily walk through the shelter and see the dogs, practically begging for a loving hand and a warm embrace.

Nearly 200 dogs (most of them are ready for adoption and the rest are recuperating) and nearly 40 amazing cats (most of them are cute kittens), are sitting, waiting in their cages.

For donations click here

The worst is yet to come, as we are at the midst of the whelping season, which as always, will bring thousands of puppies and kittens into the streets, suffering anguish and distress.

Their lives and our lives, as their loving caregivers, are very hard.

Therefore, the real problem is the decline in adopting animals, but also the serious lack of donations and funds, that are necessary for continuing the important work of the Israeli SPCA.

Our first plea is to you, please spread the message of love to all those around you, consider to responsibly adopt a loving pet that will do you good and will bring happiness all around.

The second plea is also desperate. We appeal to your generous and plentiful heart. Please send bags of dry adult dog and cat food, bags of puppies and kitten food, as well as cat litter bags, so that we can keep the hygiene at the Cattery.

We need over 1 ton of dry food very month, in order to feed all the animals at the shelter and our food storage is rapidly emptying. The cat litter bags also run out very quickly.When you buy food or cat litter for your beloved pet, please spare a thought for the animals at the shelter and send them some cat litter and food bags.

Only with your help, we can carry on with our work and mission, to help and provide shelter, treatment and care, in order to prevent cruelty and suffering of abandoned and unwanted animals.

Please be generous and enlighten the darkness for these animals.

For donations click here

Via Paybox – 054-8789980

With our very heartfelt thanks and gratitude,The Israeli SPCA Family

Mr. Carmel Shama Hacohen, Mayor Ramat Gan, what will it be?

How long will you continue to make the captive animals miserable at the Safari Zoo?

A very bad and infuriating report we received from our zoologist Hila Akstraight, the representative of the Association, who has been acting on behalf of the Association for the past two years in cooperation with the park’s management and the representatives of the city of RG, zoologists and zoologists and caregivers at the Safari Zoo, sound people and party distributors, And even present at parties and have observations and noise measurements with her colleagues, to minimize the damage to the well-being of the animals at the zoo caused by trance parties insisting on having a national park near the safari

In this framework, Hila attended the last trance party held in 28.05 in the National Park bordering with the Zoo to minimize the damage caused by these parties that harm animal welfare.

She got upset and upset that the understandings and summaries reached by representatives of the Animal Welfare Association in Israel with the producers and municipal officials over the past two years, and conditions set out were not in the field, and the party was held not as agreed and suffered (to say the least), distress and fear for the captured animals.

From the zoologist’s report:”Unfortunately, the successful estimates and improvement of the trend were cut off roughly at a party that took place last Saturday night (28.5.22), because of a complete disregard for the production that produced the future Memory event at the guidelines given, and therefore the animal welfare was damaged.

The same company also produced the previous party in 31.10.21, and there were buds of problematic behavior, when at the same time, they did a sound check on Paul Valium, which caused a lot of panic in the zebra herd, a panic that once caused a herding and unnecessary death of zebra.

In a preliminary meeting for this event in 15.5.22, producers were specifically told not to repeat this behavior, and they promised that the sound check would be low intensity.

Unfortunately, the day before the party last Saturday, we had a sound test at noon at Paul Valium, which followed by her safari therapists reported missing experience and zebra, antelope, and other herd animals in African territory, indicating a severe impact on animal welfare and significantly endangering them.

On Saturday, a sound check was conducted again at 9:00 a.m. on a high volume, and therapists reported that both the Asians and the African elephant herd had heard distress calls. In addition to this, it was revealed that the production had not been held for the estimates set by Mr. Samuel King, for five O’clock in the afternoon, that a strong set of basins were not supposed to be felt at all in the African territory, accompanied by a high decibel force far beyond what was decided in the preparations for the parties.

Each time the taxes were activated, it brought a gallop of zebras to life. Reports from the zoologist Hila Ahkyan and safari’s caretavers have been observed to be unusual in the open African area and for the first time since cooperation began, even in the zoo that is relatively far away.

The observation reports included beyond a gallop of zebras during the bass operation, even a run of all rhinoceros including a limp rhino that almost runs whose tails are rolled up (sign of distress), the roar of the Syrian bears in their night structure, the distress calls of Asian elephants and these are just the animals observedThe production did not have time to download the volume and only after complaints from all the professional elements and the legal counsel of the Association of Attorney Inbal Kider live with a specific threat that would immediately appeal to Judge Thorne for a temporary restraining order and the closure of the party, the bosses were removed under the direction of Mr. Samuel Malki, and at the same time the animals calmed down.

“In conclusion, Mr. Carmel Shama, Mayor Ramat Gan, if the city of Ramat Gan doesn’t know how to take over its producers, don’t throw parties in her national park!!!

No more parties, next to animals in captivity, no more harming the welfare of the animals in captivity.

We call upon the public that they care, to the public that knows how painful it is for the animals to experience the noise from the ear-spreader to the public that thinks the parties should be banned, join us and together in public pressure that comes out of the heart, we will be able to divert the parties to another location in or around the city.

Share the post, respond, let it resonate and reach as many people as possible who will be aware of the current painful situation, and they will also be able to make their voice heard.

Respond here, Mayor R.J and his advisors are reading everything.

We hope Mr. Carmel that this will be the last loud party to hit the animals and no more trance parties or any unwelcome decibels alongside the captive animals.

Donations for the Legal Department for her success in the struggle for the prevention of grief have been donated here

Or: with bit and paybox: 054-8789980

Dear friends, standing by us

We have a BIG problem . We are in a SEVERE SHORTAGE of food at the shelter

Both the stockrooms for dry dogfood as well as for catfood are empty.

True, we received bags of food from nice shops, but today we had to threw them out, not just because the exparationdate passed long ago, which not always or immediately is bad, but in this case, today, we had to throw most of it away.

Please ask Tel Aviv pet stores, also Bat Yam, Holon, Rishon le Zion, Ramat Gan et cetera, to make a donation of dry food for dogs, cats, also for puppies, at 159 Herzlstreet, Tel Aviv. Or you can make a quick donation through our site

Or: with bit and paybox: 054-8789980

We desperately need this help, the shelter is overflowing, like never before, with dogs.

Any donation will be blessed.

Thank you on behalf of the dogs and cats and the family of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel, Tel Aviv.

Happy Hanukkah!

Soon enough, another year is coming to an end. On this Hanukkah, as we do all year round, we wish for a great miracle to all the abandoned animals, a miracle to happen here and now across our shelter, and that we will never stop believing miracles happen every day. Light for the New X-ray ...

Soon enough, another year is coming to an end. On this Hanukkah, as we do all year round, we wish for a great miracle to all the abandoned animals, a miracle to happen here and now across our shelter, and that we will never stop believing miracles happen every day.

Light for the New X-ray Machine
A month ago, the old X-ray machine that operated at our veterinary clinic for so long ceased to work. The machine served hundreds of thousands of animals that were admitted and rehabilitated in our association’s shelter for many years.
The old machine was irreparable, and since it was impossible to provide responsible medical care without a functioning X-ray room, we purchased and committed to a new X-ray room, equipped with a brand new next-generation machine at a cost of 110,000 NIS, which we committed to pay by the middle of 2022. With the help and kindness of the public, we have already raised almost half the amount, which moved us deeply.
Yes, only with your help can we continue to rescue, rehabilitate and support all the abandoned animals in need of proper medical care in our shelter, as well as provide better service to the pets of the public.
Attached is the link for making a donation, with which you become a partner in the establishment of the new X-ray room. Come light your candle on Hanukkah with us for the neglected and abandoned animals

Donate generously Here

A Great Light Sent for the Stray Dogs
Mid-November we got a call from the “Arad Lachi” Association, asking to come pick up and help a female dog along with her four puppies who were captured from the street in poor physical condition. This is not the first time we have been required to take nursing mothers and their puppies from rescue organizations in the far periphery.
Wounded and bruised, dehydrated and exhausted, the mother and her pups reached the gates of our association and thus to the end of their era of suffering. Since then we take the best care of them, providing nutritious food, medical care, and a lot of tender unconditional love.
In addition to rescue and rehabilitation, we are trying to promote a humane action plan that will put an end to the suffering of tens of thousands of stray dogs in the Negev and in Israel in general, and in the periphery especially, though unfortunately without much success so far.
Government ministries seem to be impervious and careless about the great suffering caused to the animals, the environmental damages, or the wildlife going extinct in many regions.
In the last two years, we received approximately 200 abandoned dogs from the Negev to our shelter in Tel Aviv, rehabilitated them and found great families for them.
Despite our meager budget, we will not stop, and will continue to do everything in our power to help these abandoned stray dogs.
Attached is a link to a video about the dog Belle and her puppies, which we received at our shelter:

Link to the association’s donation page:

A Great Light in the Adopting Homes
As we always say, miracles happen at the right time. A great miracle happened to a sweet dog who was abandoned in the shelter after living with her family for 9 years. Suddenly, she was left alone in the world, frightened and stressed amidst all the barking, struggling to adjust to the new sounds and smells of the kennel. The poor dog refused to eat and did not trust anyone, which is completely understandable considering her unfortunate circumstances.
And here a great miracle happened in our association, to the same dog− Alona Daniel, the talented singer and drummer, called the association and asked to adopt a dog, not young, and not beautiful, but a dog that might be hard to find a home for.
We offered Alona the 9-year-old sweetheart, because who else wants to adopt a 9-year-old dog?! On that day, the light was ignited between them, and with a big hug full of love, with tears of happiness, they both went back to live in their shared forever home.
Here you can see the dog Adele, from the day she was abandoned until today in Alona’s lap:

To our delight, more of such flashes of light are those adoptions that elicit a big smile of happiness. The adoption counselors at the shelter make a match between the dogs and cats to the families seeking to incorporate a pet into their home. These are the first moments of the adopting families in the adoption experience, just before they leave the shelter back to their home with a new family member.
Pictures from adoption of cats and dogs:

The family of SPCA Israel Association, headed by Mrs. Chairman Hilma Shmoshkovitz, who has been working voluntarily for over 30 years, are all wishing you a happy Hanukkah, a holiday of great light that will illuminate your home and your life, always remembering that miracles happen.
Here you express your support for our activities for those whose voices are not heard. You are our great miracle.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Link to donation for the X-ray room:

Link to the association’s donation page:

Thank you sincerely for all your attention, help, and support.
Happy Hanukkah!

The crisis of abandoned dogs in the South!

The impact of COVID-19 on animal shelters

Shana Tova

Special newsletter for the new year from SPCA Israel

For the full Newsletter – Click Here.

Rosh Hashana 5781, September 2020

Dear friends,

In honour of the new year, I’d like to wish you a happy and a sweet new year. Shana Tova.

The past year has been full of important occasions with and for the animals. We found new homes to hundreds of dogs and cats who were left in our shelter, we kept offering low spaying and neutering operations in our veterinary clinic, our humane education department threw hundreds of activities for children, teens and employees from various companies. Moreover, we raised awareness to the suffering of wandering dogs at Arad and other open areas, and we were the voice of the animals in different Knesset committees.

The Covid-19 pandemic had us dealing with complicated challenges: an over occupied shelter because of animal abandonment, limited manpower because of the restrictions, while receiving dozens of kittens during the breeding season. Nowadays our cat shelter is full.

Once Covid-19 started spreading, we’ve experienced a large wave of animal abandonment and financial difficulties due to cancelation of donations. Afterwards, many came to adopt new friends on four, and we were happy to help abandoned dogs who were struggling to find a new home in other associations and different veterinary departments. We took in dogs from Eilat, Arad, Gedera, Beer Sheva, Hod Hasharon and Beith Lechem, and many of them had already found new and loving homes.

We chose to dedicate our traditional new year’s calendar to international days devoted to the animals and to the environment, in order to raise awareness to various green topics. The result is an elegant and stylish desk calendar for the upcoming year, decorated with charming photos of the animals abandoned in our shelter. The calendar was printed on a recycled paper and sponsored by Electrolux Israel. We hope that the calendar will inspire and encourage organisations, businesses and private people to note these special green days with initiatives and activities.

Just as in previous years, before Yom Kippur, the Association is running a campaign which encourages the public to change the custom of atonement and slaughter of chickens that occurs just before the holiday, to redemption of atonement to the righteous. For years, the Association had been publishing this important topic through the media and leaflets in different centres and synagogues, cooperating with Rabbis and MKs to join our call, and donate to the poor instead of slaughtering chickens.

This year as well, we’re asking to remind that Yom Kippur is a holiday where a man or woman needs to show compassion towards animals, and not harm them with pain and suffering. Those who are interested may donate to a special project happening these days in the Association – improving the living conditions of chickens who came to us after being injured, and moving them from the petting corner to a special compound integrated with organic vegetable garden.

In order to keep on helping the animals, take in, take care, rehabilitate and find the best homes for them, to stop suffering and misery, to defend their rights – we need your support. Every donation, big or small, will help us help them. You may donate through our website.
I sincerely thank in advance to those who choose to donate.

We invite you to log into the Association’s website, and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages, and get fully updated about our daily activity in the shelter.

Shana Tova,

Hilma Shmoshkovitz
Chairperson (Volunteer)
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel

DIY – Art Projects for Dogs and Cats

Do it Yourself: A video series of designer items for dogs and cats. A special project of SPCA Israel in collaboration with “Crafty Studio”

Photography & Editing: VIP Design


The pets we raise enrich our lives in so many ways. This series of short films, offering great ideas for creating designer items for house pets, can provide “quality-craft-time” with our kids, enrich our world, and enrich the world of our beloved four-footed friends.

A special collaboration between the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel and designer Oshrit Ben-Gal, owner of “Crafty Studio”, gave rise to a series of short films conveying original and simple-to-make craft ideas that will delight dogs, cats, and, of course, their owners. This film series, bearing the title: “Let’s craft – Pet crafts”, instructs viewers on how to create original beds, delightful toys, a colorful nail-filing contraption, specially designed clothing, a wooden board for hanging pet-related items, as well as a box and water & food dispenser for homeless cats. The projects are all very user-friendly and simple to make, based on various art-techniques combining recycled objects, household tools, and art materials obtainable in specialty stores at low prices.

So now is the time to cut, color, sew, paste, recycle, fly on the wings of your imagination, reveal your creative spirit, enjoy the process, and especially the outcome.

Cat toy

Dog clothing

Dog & cat bed

Dog toy

Cat nail-filing contraption

Cat box

Cat & dog water dispenser

Hanging-board for dog leash, dog brush etc.

Storage container for waste-collection bags

Dog bow-tie


“CRAFTY” headed by designer Oshrit Ben-Gal, is an art workshop center, which incorporates craft techniques with artistic design. In her spacious studio, located in Tel Aviv between Nachalat Binyamin and Neve Tzedek, stands a large wooden table which, on a daily basis, converts into an experimental, artistic learning space. The studio offers regularly-scheduled classes, summer day-camps, and workshops at varying levels of difficulty, for children and adults, as well as personally tailored workshops, offering enrichment activities for employee team-building days, birthday parties and other special occasions and social events.
Crafty Studio, 6 Gruzenberg Street, Tel Aviv. Tel: 052-4620336.

Law and Order

A special collaboration: Israeli police cadets undergo advanced training at the Society in order to become familiarized with the Animal Welfare Law and its implications, to improve enforcement of the law and reduce cases of abuse

For improved enforcement of the Animal Welfare Law and significant reduction in occurrences of animal abuse, a special collaboration between the SPCA and the Israeli police was launched recently.

As part of a unique Israeli project, police cadets from Beit-Shemesh are undergoing special training at the SPCA. The objective is to reinforce the future police officers’ affinity towards animal rights issues.

The cadets learn about the Animal Welfare Law initiated by the SPCA in 1994. According to this law, it is deemed a criminal act to harm, abuse or abandon animals, and the law defines the enforcement mechanisms on the subject. In addition, the cadets learn about the Society, which is celebrating 90 years of activity, tour their grounds, get to know the animals and walk the abandoned dogs, some of which suffered abuse and neglect before arriving at the shelter.

Yaniv Ovadia from the Society’s Humane Education Department says, “We hope that the combination of instilling in the cadets the principles of the law and creating an emotional bond between them and the animals residing at the Society will reinforce the police cadets’ affinity towards the painful subject of animal welfare in Israel, and bring about improved enforcement of the law and a significant reduction in the number of animal abuse cases”.

A clean and safe Passover

Moving over to ecological cleaning products – for your family, your pets and the environment

The rapidly approaching Passover holiday traditionally brings with it a cleaning frenzy. Not many people are aware that using a large variety of cleaning products not only doesn’t really clean, but can produce a harmful, contaminated environment. The main groups at risk are infants, young children and pets. The good news is that there are safe alternatives that do not harm humans, animals or the environment.

Caution – It’s too clean!
Shiny surfaces and artificial scents carried in the air are usually signs of a sparkling clean house. In effect, many of the common cleaning products we use contain petrochemicals – synthetic substances which are byproducts of fueloil and which are also found in plastic, cosmetics, food and fashion products. It’s no wonder then that many cleaning products carry safety labels regarding their proper usage.
The chemical substances in cleaning fluids are liable to cause contamination and safety hazards in the home, since chemical vapors carried in the air we breathe remain on floor tiles and on other various surfaces, and even on our dishes and eating utensils. Even ordinary laundry products may contain dangerous synthetic chemicals with which our body comes into constant contact, for example, through our laundered clothes.

Potential harm
Some claim that exposure to these synthetic substances may cause skin irritation, allergies, asthma and even attention deficit disorders and a weakening of the immune system. The highest risk groups for potential harm are, of course, babies who crawl on the floor, young children and pets. But while we have the freedom to leave the house after cleaning, our pets usually remain in the contaminated space.
In this way, for example, dangerous chemicals remaining on the floor after mopping can attach to the skin of a cat that comes into contact with them and, subsequently, enter its body when it licks itself. Our pets’ food and water, which are usually in bowls on the floor, may also be exposed to toxins.

So what do we do?
We all know that it’s important to keep cleaning products and other toxic substances out of reachand store them in a place that is not accessible to children or pets. We also know that after using aggressive chemicals we should physically leave the cleaned space and make sure to air it out. However, if we want to maintain a safe environment and protect the health and wellbeing of our loved ones, we can simply replace the cleaning and laundry products we use with ecological ones.

Ecological cleaning products, which are usually based on plant extracts and natural minerals, are available today at all retail outlets. Floor and dish-washing liquids, laundry and dishwasher products, sprays for cleaning windows, ovens and grease – and even products for cleaning the bathtub and toilets – all have ecological alternatives. Users of these products affirm that their cleaning capacity is no less than that of ‘ordinary’ products and their prices are not as high as they used to be in the past. Another option (recommended!) is not to buy cleaning products at all, and instead, use bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, lemon salt or fresh lemons.

Not only will your family and pets thank you, but the environment, too, will benefit because ecological products disintegrate biologically and thus return to nature without polluting the air, water and soil.

We wish you a clean, safe and happy Passover holiday!