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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

הכלבה תחת השגחה רפואית

Chains of Torment

Fighting for her life – a young dog whose throat was slashed is now hospitalized in the Society’s clinic

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קסם בתום תהליך השיקום

A Magical Dog

Having suffered from burns and undergoing recuperation in the SPCA, Kessem is looking for an adoptive home

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Poncho’s New Life

Having suffered abuse and undergone rehabilitation in the Society’s clinic, Poncho has finally found a warm home

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גורי כלבים נטושים במחצבה

On Dogs and Thieves

21 dogs and puppies that were abandoned in a quarry were rescued by the Society in the wake of a report by a resident of Beit Aryeh on the disappearance of the settlement’s dogs

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