A Helping Hand

Gift packages that will cheer up abandoned animals at Purim time

While we are ordered to be happy and to gladden others at Purim time, in the SPCA we wish to make the abandoned animals happy also – dogs and cats that are waiting anxiously for warm and loving homes – through gift packages that include edible treats, toys and games.

As the holiday approaches, the staff of “Pet Food Stores“, that contributes food and equipment to the SPCA on a regular basis, got together for the benefit of the abandoned animals, and prepared three types of gift packages – for puppies, adult dogs, and cats – at the subsidized price of NIS 30 per delivery.

Pampering gift package for cats
Pampering gift package for cats

Those interested in cheering up an abandoned animal by sending a pampering gift package, may call the “Pet Food Stores” (03-5503440), to make an order by credit card.

Needless to say, one can contribute a more substantial gift and purchase additional products such as bags of food, cat litter, scratching posts for cats or soft and comfortable beds. Orders can be made with all credit cards during the store’s working hours (Sunday-Thursday, 9:30-20:00 and on Friday from 8:30-15:00).

Gift package for adult dogs
Gift package for adult dogs

The gift packages include:
Gift package for puppies: Special chewable stick, rope with rubber ball for chewing, 4 tendon dog chews for dental development, rubber ball for playing and a packet of dog biscuits.
Gift package for adult dogs: Calcium rope chews, packet containing three chewable, bone-covered toys, rubber ball and a packet of dog biscuits.
Gift package for cats: Variety of 8 balls (sponge, plastic and cloth), set of two toy mice, catnip ball with feather and fishing rod cat toy.

We wish to express our appreciation to “Pet Food Stores”, for their cooperation, and wish everyone a very happy Purim.


A Fun Day for All

You are invited to a specially festive party that will take place in the SPCA facility on Shushan Purim, March 17

Purim is a great festival for children and for all the family. For animal lovers, for parents looking for an activity with added value for their children and for all those who want to make merry, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel is holding an especially festive Purim party.

The event will take place in the SPCA facility at 159, Herzl Street, Tel Aviv on Monday, March 17th from 10:00-13:00.

Professional makeup artists from the Yarin Shahaf Professional Make-Up College will greet the guests and make up their faces for no charge. There will be creativity corners with activities relating to the animal world, a fancy dress competition with prizes (courtesy of the Dani Books Publishing House), light refreshments, music and lots of dogs waiting to be taken for fun walks in the Society’s yard by the participants.

In honor of the festival, the guests are invited to cheer up the dogs and cats who are waiting for adoption, by bringing them treats – dry or wet food, toys or games. Another option is to bring bottles and cans for recycling, the money from which will be used by the SPCA to buy animal food.

In addition, the SPCA staff will be on hand to assist anyone interested in adopting a new friend for their family and will help them choose from amongst the tens of abandoned dogs and cats waiting for warm homes.

The public is invited to come in fancy dress and festive mood to enjoy all the complimentary activities.

Happy Purim!


Joy and Celebrations in the Society

Purim 2013 – Summary of the festive activities in the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The pleasant weather and Purim atmosphere brought with them a wave of groups and individual visitors to the Society over the weekend and during the Purim holiday itself. On Sunday, the Society’s Department of Humanistic Education hosted a group of children and their families from the Variety Israel Organization, which operates many activities for children, both to give them pleasure and help them integrate socially and at a rehabilitative level in Israeli society.

The following day a special Purim Adoption Day was held, with the cooperation of the Rosh1 Magazine. During the day, many dogs and cats were adopted. The Pet Buy chain, under whose auspices the event was run, presented a special adoption kit and coupons to purchase items in any branch of the chain to all those who adopted a pet.

Purim at the Society
Purim at the Society

We thank you, the visitors and all those who adopted a pet and wish the animals a speedy absorption in their new homes.

Let’s All Pull Together – United Purim Adoption Day

Shoshan Purim celebrations of joy : Adopting and winning a new friend for life while receiving Purim gifts

Purim is the festival of great joy – joy that is much needed also by abandoned animals from all over the country, that are waiting for a warm home and good families of their own.

This Purim the festivities will be marked by a concerted and joyful event. Especially for the holiday we have initiated a collaborative project between the Rosh1Maganzine, the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals throughout Israel and the Pet Buy Chain Stores. In the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Tel Aviv, Rehovot, Jerusalem and Beer Sheva, teams of professionals will be on hand to help those wishing to adopt and will assist them in finding the perfect four-legged friend, who will bring them lots of love and joy.

Animal lovers are invited to come along on Monday, Shoshan Purim, February 25th, between 10:00 – 16:00 to the branch of the Society nearest their homes and to take upon themselves the adoption of dogs and cats who have been abandoned and are in such great need of a joyous new start. The Pet Buy Chain will give a gift of a special adoption kit to all those who adopt a pet. The gift will include a sack of Super Premium “Nutram” food, a high-quality food bowl and coupons for purchases worth NIS140 for use in any of the Pet Buy chain’s stores.

Would you also like to contribute to the animals?
When you come to the Society in Tel Aviv, bring along empty cans or plastic and glass beverage containers for which a deposit was made (bottles of less than one and a half liters). The Angels Project, run by MELI (The Center for Entrepreneurial Citizens) will allow us to redeem the deposits on the containers, the value of which will be given to the Society as a donation.

Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel, 159 Herzl Street, Tel Aviv. Telephone: *4553.
SPCA Rehovot, Moti Kind Street, New Industrial Area, Rehovot. Telephone: 08-9460135.
SPCA Jerusalem, Atarot Industrial Zone, Jerusalem. Telephone: 02-5854465.
SPCA Beer Sheva, 7 Yehoshua HaTzoref Street, Industrial Zone Area C., Beer Sheva. Telephone: 08-6281808.

Please Come and Dance with Me

Everyone is invited to the Society’s Purim Party

Purim is the most joyful festival, and joy is one of the things that the abandoned dogs and cats need so desperately. These animals are waiting in the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel for kind folks who will come and offer them warm and loving homes.

The Society is opening its doors to the public and inviting all to come celebrate Purim at a special fancy-dress party for all the family. The party will take place on Friday ,March 9, at 10:30 in the morning, in the Society’s facility which is situated at: 159 Herzl Street, Tel Aviv. Admission – free.

The children will be welcomed by magicians, balloon artists and activity centers in the holiday spirit. A competition for the best costumes will be held with prizes for the winners. There will be lots of ‘Oznay Haman’ cookies and fun for all.

We in the Society will be happy to assist any of you interested in adopting an animal and will be on hand during the party to help you choose the right pet who will bring joy to your home.

Meanwhile you can start to get into the festival atmosphere by visiting our Facebook page to take part in the Purim jokes competition and, perhaps, to win a unique prize.

Happy Purim to All!

A Royal Feast

Purim Food Baskets with Specially Sweet Recipes

Purim is the happiest festival in the Jewish calendar. During the holiday we read the Scrolls of Esther, give gift baskets of food, give charity to the poor, dress up in fancy-dress costumes, hold the festive feast and fulfill the mitzvah, the good deed, of drinking alcohol and making merry.

The heroine of the Purim story is Esther, a strictly observant Jewess, who, in order to uphold the kashrut laws in the King’s palace, kept a vegetarian diet, including pulses and grains. In remembrance of Esther’s dedication, many people eat a vegetarian meal on Purim, including pulses, grains and sesame seeds along with sweet challah bread.

The food that most characterizes the Purim festival is the three-cornered ‘Oznay-Haman’ cookies, filled with poppy seeds. Over the years, varied explanations have been given for the source of this tradition, and many think that it comes from the Yiddish name for poppy seed pockets – “Mahan Tashen” (with the same letters that make up Haman’s name).

In remembrance of the vegetarian queen and in honor of Purim, we present you with some recipes that will make your holiday even sweeter, including a special recipe for canine snacks! Please keep your sweet crumbs and leftovers away from your dogs and pamper them in the spirit of the festival, with snacks that are appropriate for their well-being.

Oznay Haman with Poppy Seed Filling
Courtesy of the Bishulim School of Higher Culinary Education. Photographed by Shiran Carmel

100 gr. Sugar (half cup)
200 gr. Butter
Pinch of salt
Vanilla essence
Zest of one lemon
Zest of one orange
1 egg
300 gr. Flour (1½ Cups)

150 gr. Milk (3/4 Cups)
100 gr. Sugar (1/2 Cup)
50 gr. Honey (3 Tablespoons)
Zest of one lemon
30 gr. Cookie crumbs (1/2 Cup)
50 gr. Butter
200 gr. Ground poppy seeds (1 Cup + 2 Tablespoons)
35 gr. Light raisins (2 Tablespoons)

1. To prepare the pastry: With the K beater blend together the butter, sugar, vanilla essence, orange and lemon zest and salt till light and fluffy.
2. Gradually add the egg till it is incorporated into the butter mixture.
3. Add in all the flour at the electric beater’s lowest speed and keep mixing till a uniform dough is formed.
4. Remove the dough from the electric beater, form a rectangle, cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
5. To prepare the filling: In a pot, boil the milk, sugar, honey and lemon zest.
6. Add in the cookie crumbs, butter, poppy seeds and raisins, mix well and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the flame and cool to room temperature.
7. To prepare Oznay Haman: Roll out the pastry till about 4 mm thick and cut out circles with a ring or large glass of 10 cms. diameter.
8. Place the pastry circles on the baking tray and spread the edges of each circle with a beaten egg.
9. With a teaspoon, place a small amount of filling in the middle of each circle, form a triangle by pinching with ones fingers and seal well.
10. Bake in the oven at 1650 for about 20 – 25 minutes.

Granola and Chocolate Ganache Crunch Bars. Photographed by Shiran Carmel
Granola and Chocolate Ganache Crunch Bars. Photographed by Shiran Carmel

Granola and Chocolate Ganache Crunch Bars
Courtesy the chef-confectioner Efrat Libefroind
Approx. 30 pieces

100 gr. Butter
½ Cup Honey
3 Tablespoons glucose
¼ Cup Brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon coconut
¼ teaspoon sesame seeds
1 Cup roasted almonds or pistachio nuts
1 Cup dried fruits – coarsely chopped
½ Cup dried cranberries
1 Cup oats
Ganache cream:
200 gr. Chocolate
200 gr. Sweet whipping cream
20 gr. Butter
4 tablespoons liqueur

1. Granola: Cook all the ingredients in a pot till they blend into a slightly sticky dough.
2. Spread the mixture on to a baking sheet 20×20 cm., or line the base of individual silicon baking trays.
3. Ganache: Cook all the ingredients together to form one mass.
4. Pour the ganache on to the granola and freeze for 2 hours (some of the ganache cream can be kept aside to decorate with cream stripes).
5. Slice into bars or remove from individual silicon trays.

Phyllis Glazer's Challah. Photographed by Anatoli Michaelo
Phyllis Glazer’s Challah. Photographed by Anatoli Michaelo

My Sweet Challah
From the book “Healthy Baking Made Easy”, by Phyllis Glazer, Korim Publishers.
1 Challah (8-10 servings)

2 eggs
¼ Cup oil
¼ Cup cane sugar or honey
1 teaspoon salt
1 Cup warm water
2 Cups sieved 70% whole flour
2 Cups sieved organic flour, white spelt flour or white flour
½ pkt. “Shimrit” or 1 pkt dry yeast (approx. 1 tablespoon)
White flour for kneading
1 egg + 1 teaspoon water, for brushing
For decoration (optional): mixture of seeds and grains – poppy, caraway, sunflower, oats and pumpkin seeds

1. In medium bowl, mix the eggs, oil, sugar or honey, salt and water lightly with a fork.
2. In separate bowl, mix the flours and yeast with a wooden spoon.
3. Pour the egg mixture into the bowl with the flour and stir with a wooden spoon to form dough. If the dough is too sticky, add sieved flour, a little at a time (but not too much!). The dough should be slightly sticky inside but should not stick to the sides of the bowl.
4. Flour a working surface and place the dough on it. Knead the dough for five full minutes, till smooth but not sticky. Continue to flour the working surface, a little at a time (but do not add too much flour or else the dough will become heavy and dense).
5. Oil a bowl and place the dough in it, turning it gently till the whole surface is coated lightly with oil. Cover with clean dish towel and leave to rise in a warm place till it doubles in volume (approx. 45 mins).
6. Remove the air from the dough by giving it a sharp punch in the center. Let it rest for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, line a large baking tray with baking paper and heat the oven to 1800.
7. Form three rolls of equal size, press them securely together at one end and braid them. Press the other end securely together. Place on baking tray (a greased bread tin of 23×12 cm. or 25×15 cm. can also be used).
8. Brush the top with a mixture of egg and water. Grains and seeds may be sprinkled on top if desired. Bake for 25-30 minutes, till the challah begins to turn a rich brown (if some parts of the dough remain white during the baking, brush with the egg mixture). Remove from oven, allow to cool for 15 minutes and remove from baking tray.

“A great holiday for the children”

Many visitors enjoyed the special happening that took place this week at the Society in honor of Purim

Dozens of visitors came this week to be at the special happening at the Society, which took place in honor of Purim. The Society was decorated in honor of the holiday; the Holiday Gifts and the refreshments made our place even sweater, and the colorful party was especially joyful.

Awaiting our guests at the make-up station was a make-up artist from the Ravit Assaf School of Make-up and Cosmetics. The faces of our guests were transformed into colorful images of animals. At the creativity station the children enjoyed painting illustrations for Purim and paper Mache dolls. The play center generously donated by the Idans Company was very popular. Many others took advantage of the opportunity to walk the dogs that are up for adoption. Many families adopted dogs and cats that were lucky enough to get a new home. The happy day came to a grand finale when Tomer Tadmor, of “Katomer”, and his friends from the “Tzoanay Hamelech” troupe performed a thrilling acrobatics act.

Our sincere thanks to all the visitors, to the various groups that contributed to the success of the event, to the employees of the Society and to the dedicated volunteers.