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ילדי הגנים למען הגורים

Kids for Puppies

The children attending the Tirosh and Itzhar Kindergartens in Tel-Aviv contributed to the Society’s Puppy Shelter in a unique annual project

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תלמידי ביאליק רוגוזין באגודה

What is Love

The Final Stage of the Successful Bialik-Rogozin School Animal Rights Project Takes Place in the Society

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צילום: אור גולד

Dogs in a Gallery

Young people chose to photograph the dogs of the Society in the framework of an experiential workshop of a photography course

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קבוצת ילדים לקויי שמיעה מתארחת באגודה

Someone hears me

The education department of the Society hosted a group of hearing impaired youngsters from the Shema Center in Tel Aviv

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