The filly, Shirley, was born on a farm where conditions for rearing her were inappropriate. Her mother was in depleted physical condition, which prevented her from nursing Shirley and caused developmental problems. She reached the SPCA stables when she was three months old, suffering from undernourishment, a weakened pelvic area and hind legs and had a limp. Due to the lack of mother’s milk, she was underweight so was given nutritional supplements and a milk substitute suited to foals.

During the last few months Shirley has gained strength and is slowly gaining weight. She underwent professional hoof-trimming and dental filing, and in order to strengthen and rehabilitate the pelvic area and her legs, the stables staff worked with her consistently, taking her for slow, gentle walks on a rope lead. From her first day in the SPCA stables, Shirley was adopted by Cheetah, a mature, eighteen year old mare.

Update: 2.5 years after Shirley started her rehabilitation process, we found for her a farm, and now she enjoys quiet life with other horses.