“We are just as lucky as him, we lucked out!”, say Danielle Nevro and Yariv Katz with a smile as they pet and hug Louis, the dog they adopted from the SPCA.
Whoever sees this perfect picture will find it hard to believe that only a few weeks ago Louis, a German Shepherd about one year old, was found roaming the streets, wounded and in danger of his life. Following a report that reached the SPCA call center, a team member was sent out to catch him and bring him to our veterinary clinic. He was debilitated, thin and apathetic and his whole neck area, his head and ears, were covered with over fifty infected cuts and wounds that, according to the veterinarian’s opinion, were caused by bites or from getting caught in a barbed-wire fence.
Our veterinarians took Louis in for emergency surgery, during which his head was shaved and further wounds were discovered that were treated and sterilized. Louis received infusions and special food to stabilize his condition, and the whole SPCA team crossed their fingers hoping that his weak body would hold up and survive.

During the following weeks Louis was under medical supervision and received dedicated and loving care from the SPCA staff. He recuperated quickly, his wounds started to heal, his fur grew back and his appetite returned. He was found to be a friendly and good-nature dog, fully cooperating with his treatment despite the pain he was in, as though he understood, just like a person, that the hands touching him would heal him.
When he was strong enough, Louis received all the necessary vaccinations and a microchip, underwent castration and we started to look for an adoptive home where he would be enveloped in love and would be able to forget the hardship he had been through.

Those who won Louis’ affection are Danielle and Yariv, who came to the SPCA to adopt a large dog with mild energy levels who would get along with other dogs. Louis’ story touched their hearts, and following a meeting with the SPCA adoption counselor and a long walk with Louis, they decided to adopt him.
As we all hoped, today Louis is a loved and pampered dog. Yariv, who works in the real estate start-up Fisbo, takes Louis to the office with him every day, where he has a comfy bed, lots of toys and gets a lot of attention from the rest of the staff. “It is wonderful to see the change in Louis, from a frightened and apathetic dog to the well cared for and happy dog he is today”, the couple say, and we are happy that the matchmaking was a success and wish them all many happy years together.
If you come across an animal in distress, please do not ignore it – call the SPCA call center: *4553.