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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

אייל ושמוליק

Shmulik is Calling You

Alls Well That Ends Well: A year and a half after having been stolen, we brought our dog Shmulik back home thanks to the updated chip

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קבוצת ילדים לקויי שמיעה מתארחת באגודה

Someone hears me

The education department of the Society hosted a group of hearing impaired youngsters from the Shema Center in Tel Aviv

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אריאלה מניק

Before we part

Goodbyes and tremendous thanks to Ariella Manik, the American who came to the Society by way of the Career Israel organization

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הכלבים במחסן קטן בקבוצת כנרת

Dogs in Darkness

After the intervention of the Society, dogs were rescued that had been kept in a small storeroom at Kvutzat Kinneret and had suffered neglect and abuse

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