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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

ג'ניפר פליישר ובלה

Bella mia

Jennifer Fleisher, a player of the Israel national basketball team, had her cat flown to her grandparent’s home in the U.S.A., with the help of the Society

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גורי כלבים נטושים במחצבה

On Dogs and Thieves

21 dogs and puppies that were abandoned in a quarry were rescued by the Society in the wake of a report by a resident of Beit Aryeh on the disappearance of the settlement’s dogs

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ערב התרמה בבר הקולקטיב

Our thanks to the Collective

At the successful fundraising evening that was held at the Collective Bar for the Society, we collected products and contributions worth about 10,000 NIS

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Compost Workshop

Come learn how to prepare household compost, with the goals of reducing the quantity of household refuse and of benefitting the environment. Free admittance

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שר החקלאות שלום שמחון, חבר הכנסת איתן כבל והזמרת ירדנה ארזי

Take care of your dog

The campaign by the Ministry of Agriculture for the spaying and castration of dogs has been launched by the Society

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פנסיון האגודה פתוח לחיות מחמד של תושבים שנאלצו להתפנות בעקבות השריפות - אגודת צער בעלי חיים בישראל

In the Line of Fire

The SPCA sent veterinary rescuers to the Carmel Region to help with the animals of the evacuated residents

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