The Department for Humane Education of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel has launched its 2016-17 calendar displaying the drawings of schoolchildren who are members of the SPCA Club. The drawings, inspired by their love and concern for the welfare of animals, were selected from among hundreds of creations submitted by children and youth throughout the country.

Members of SPCA Israel Club attend kindergartens and schools from all sectors – Jewish, Arab, religious, secular and special education – institutions that are interested in imparting to their students values that advocate animal rights. The member schools and kindergartens also help the animals sheltered in our Society, by collecting empty bottles designated for recycling and purchasing pet food with the earned deposit money. These schools select and send pupils to the Society to undergo special training which turns them into the SPCA Israel team in their respective educational institutions. After receiving training, the team members – under the professional guidance of SPCA’s humane education department – serves as our ambassadors in the schools they attend, going from class to class giving lectures and initiating activities that foster empathy and kindness towards animals.

The lovely children’s art calendar will be sent to anyone donating more than 30 NIS, by phone (03-5136500 or *4553), as long as supply lasts.
To see the calendar and the art work of the SPCA Israel leadership team, click here.
We would like to thank Y.H.D. Medioni Co., Ltd., producer, importer and marketer of pet food and equipment, which has generously sponsored the calendar and aided in its printing.
Illustration of main drawing: Inbal Amir, Ramot Yam School, Michmoret.