החתולה מתאוששת ונמצאת תחת השגחה וטרינרית

The Cat was Saved

Following a call to the Society’s call center, a cat who hid in a closet on a street in Bat Yam, was found giving birth, with a kitten stuck in her cervix. When the call was received, the SPCA rescue team went to her rescue. According to the callers, they had first approached the Bat Yam Municipality where they were told that neither the Municipality nor the Veterinary Department could help.

Due to the cat’s delicate condition, the rescuer used a special net to catch her and she was brought in to the SPCA clinic immediately.[ The kitten was already dead, and the cat underwent sterilization. The two-year-old cat was kept under veterinary supervision for one week, and once she regained her strength and recovered, she was returned to her familiar environment in coordination with the cat feeders, who were used to feeding her regularly.

The cat giving birth hiding in the abandoned closet
The cat giving birth hiding in the abandoned closet

It is estimated that there are over two million homeless cats living on the streets in Israel. Some belong to orderly groups and are fed on a regular basis and, in some cases, are altered, but most of them live lives of suffering under terrible conditions, struggling with never-ending battles for food and territory. The problem is that even cats that are supposedly cared for and are lucky enough to be fed regularly, are exposed to ongoing dangers. Often, they are suffering from cuts, inflammations, eczema, ulcers, infections or other illnesses, and are sentenced to lives of indescribable suffering. Even if the people in their environs notice their distress, the authorities do not always take responsibility and offer a helping hand.

The Society asks the public to be alert with regard to animal suffering. If you come across an animal in distress, please call us at: *4553.

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