
I am only one year old but have already gone through much hardship: I was cruelly abused, starved and neglected till I collapsed. Fortunately I was rescued by the SPCA, and thanks to the loving care that I received and the rehabilitation I am undergoing, I will soon be fully recovered

Following a report to the SPCA call center regarding a donkey that collapsed in South Tel Aviv, a special team set out to the location. The one year old donkey was in a state of exhaustion, extremely thin, weak, dehydrated, suffering from injuries in many parts of his body and was unable to stand on his feet.

Zion in the place where he was found, exhausted and unable to stand on his feet
Zion in the place where he was found, exhausted and unable to stand on his feet

The donkey, who was named Zion, was brought to the SPCA stables where he received first aid, which included infusions of fluids, nourishing food and rest. The wounds in the chest and legs areas were treated, and at a later stage he was given professional hoof trimming.

A few days later - Zion gained some strength and is standing on his feet
A few days later – Zion gained some strength and is standing on his feet

The rehabilitation process has not yet been completed; Zion continues to receive special food and is slowly gaining weight and we hope that soon we will be able to find him a new and responsible home.

Zion in the Society's stables - the abuse and neglect are behind him
Zion in the Society’s stables – the abuse and neglect are behind him

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Zion was adopted by a private farm in a Kibbutz in the north of the country.

Indifferent to their Fate

Two physically debilitated donkeys were found wandering around alone, and the Municipality was indifferent to their well-being

This week, we again came face-to-face with the ineffectiveness of the authorities with regard to animals in distress. On Saturday morning, a SPCA volunteer saw a frightened horse wandering around in the middle of a junction in south Tel Aviv. The volunteer unsuccessfully tried to catch the horse, and returned to the site of the incident a short while later with a harness, to try and find the horse. During the search, the volunteer noticed two donkeys in the vicinity, abandoned by their owners. One of them was suffering from a serious wound on his leg. A person who lived nearby helped the volunteer tie up the donkeys near his home.

While the donkeys were given water, the volunteer reported the incident to the Veterinarian Department of the Tel Aviv Municipality and continued her search for the lost horse. Meanwhile other representatives of the SPCA contacted the Tel Aviv Municipality and were told that inspectors were on their way, but that there is no veterinary supervision on Shabbat. After a delay of over three hours, the Municipality inspectors reached the scene. After speaking to the Municipal Veterinarian, Dr. Zvi Gallin, they claimed that it was not in their power to transfer the donkeys and that they would only be able to discuss how to deal with them on Sunday morning.

According to the volunteer: “The irresponsible manner in which the Municipality works is infuriating. Two emaciated and dehydrated donkeys in distress are suffering and the Municipal inspectors are indifferent to their fate. I couldn’t believe my ears when I called the Municipal call center at one point and they told me that they are waiting to see if the donkeys wander onto a main road, if something happens to them and if any other people call in to make a report. Why do they have to wait for an accident where people may be involved or these poor animals get hurt before the authorities respond?”

Serious wound on the donkey's hoof
Serious wound on the donkey’s hoof

Thanks to the SPCA, two young donkeys that were in extremely bad physical condition were taken to a secure facility belonging to a third party, with the SPCA taking responsibility for the costs involved in their care. The donkeys received first aid and were then examined by a horse veterinarian. Donations, small or large, will help us to rehabilitate these donkeys as well as other horses and donkeys that have suffered abuse and neglect.

For the Horses and Donkeys’ page, Click Here.
For contributions, Click Here.

Three in One Yard

Another rescue: Two horses and one donkey that had been neglected over a long period of time will undergo rehabilitation in the SPCA

Last Friday afternoon, a police officer called the SPCA. During his patrol in South Tel Aviv he noticed an injured donkey roaming around, limping, apparently after being involved in an accident. The policeman followed the young donkey that went into a private yard and discovered that there were other animals there: Two horses in barred cages and two dogs tied upwith metal chains – all emaciated and neglected. The SPCA rescue team quickly set out for the address given them by the police officer where some more policemen had already gathered.

The police team helping in the animal rescue
The police team helping in the animal rescue

According to Danielle Reches, a SPCA volunteer: “When we reached the site we found two emaciated and neglected horses who were locked into tiny cages full of iron bars and without food. The place was dirty and the horses appeared to be hungry and exhausted, with both of them having very long hooves that hadn’t been tended for a long time. The donkey, a young foal, lay in one of the stalls, his body covered in sores. We were glad to see that he could get up on his legs and walk”.

Stanley, the injured foal, before his rescue
Stanley, the injured foal, before his rescue

Once the policemen decided to confiscate all the animals in the yard, and when there was no appropriate response from the call center in the Central Unit for Enforcement and Investigations (formerly the Supervision of Flora and Fauna) of the Ministry of Agriculture, the horses and the foal were taken to the SPCA stables where they will undergo a long period of rehabilitation. The two dogs of dangerous breed were taken to the Veterinary Department of the Tel Aviv Municipality

Chrissy – emaciated, exhausted and needing to gain weight
Chrissy – emaciated, exhausted and needing to gain weight

While the staff prepared special stalls for the horses and donkey, the animals were let out in the SPCA yard that had been strewn with grass and they ate as though they had never before seen food. The three year old mare and seven year old horse, that were named Chrissy and Jack, have been put on a specially nutritious diet that will help them gain weight. In the next little while they will get shots against tetanus, rabies, flu/herpes, Nile Fever and deworming and will undergo professional treatment for their hooves. The three month old donkey, who was named Stanley, is suffering from lashes and superficial wounds as well as an open wound on his leg. He is being treated with washes, disinfectants and special ointments and needs shots against tetanus, rabies and deworming. When they get a bit stronger, the two males will be neutered.

The foal and the horses at the Society
The foal and the horses at the Society

We wish to thank the police officers for their alertness and cooperation, and we ask the public to please help us cover the costs of the treatment being given to the horses and donkey, which are expected to reach thousands of NIS. Please help us to provide optimal care to these poor animals.

For donations click here.

If you come across an animal in distress, please don’t ignore it – call us at: *4553.


I was attacked by dogs and was in a terrible state: the bites around my nose made it difficult to breathe and once I was brought to the SPCA stables I had emergency surgery. They took care of me lovingly for three months and today I am a happy and healthy donkey

The 2 year old cute donkey, Pinocchio, was found in the Mateh Benyamin area suffering from deep wounds on his nose, lower jaw and hind-quarters, apparently caused by dog bites. In a report written by the veterinarian after examining Pinocchio, it is written: “The donkey is suffering from deep cuts in the nostril and sinus areas that match dog bites. The deep cuts reach the frontal sinus area, preventing the donkey from breathing fully and correctly, the nostrils are blocked due to the collapse of the sinuses and parts of the sinuses that are blocking the lower section of the nostrils”.

Pinocchio on his arrival at the SPCA - suffering from deep cuts and having difficulty breathing
Pinocchio on his arrival at the SPCA – suffering from deep cuts and having difficulty breathing

The rehabilitation process that Pinocchio went through included surgery in the nostril area that relieved his breathing, His wounds were treated with antibiotics, analgesics and disinfecting washes.

The deep cuts were treated with antibiotics and disinfecting washes
The deep cuts were treated with antibiotics and disinfecting washes

After three months of intensive treatment Pinocchio recovered, was neutered and found a new home in the North.

Before and after - thanks to the treatment, the nostril area has healed
Before and after – thanks to the treatment, the nostril area has healed



I reached the SPCA stables wounded and worn-out after some heartless youths abused me. I was looked after and treated well for a few months, gained weight and my sores healed, and now I am living in a safe farm that adopted me

Following a police report of a poor donkey being ridden by two youths who were beating him up in the Oranit area, and after all the parties to whom the police officer had approached had turned their back on him (including the person responsible in the Ministry of Agriculture), a SPCA team set out to the location. The poor, exhausted 3 year old donkey, that was named Oren, was taken in a special wagon to the SPCA stables in a state of exhaustion.

A veterinary examination revealed that Oren was not only very thin but that he was suffering from sores on his back and chest areas, indicating that in addition to being beaten, he was harnessed to a wagon and forced to pull heavy loads.

Oren during rehabilitation in the SPCA stables
Oren during rehabilitation in the SPCA stables

Once he was released from the circle of suffering, Oren began the process of rehabilitation that took half a year and included high quality, nourishing food, intensive washes for his sores with disinfectants, and rest.

The sores were treated with disinfectant washes
The sores were treated with disinfectant washes

When his sores healed and Oren gained weight, he was neutered and a new home was found for him in the north of the country.

Oren after rehabilitation in his new home
Oren after rehabilitation in his new home


No one has any idea how I got to Mazkeret Batya and why I was abandoned, but luckily I was taken to the SPCA stables where they took me in, fed me nourishing food and treated the scabies that I was suffering from

The sweet donkey, Gedalia, was found roaming around Mazkeret Batya, having run away from or been abandoned by his owners, and reached the SPCA stables following a report made to the SPCA call center by passers-by. Gedalia, one and a half years old, was examined by the veterinarian, who concluded that he needed special food, a deworming shot, washes and special creams to treat scabies and the deep wounds from which he was suffering.

Gedalia during rehabilitation
Gedalia during rehabilitation

During rehabilitation in the stables, Gedalia gained weight, was neutered and had his hooves trimmed. The area affected by scabies was treated by daily washes with disinfectants and ointments until it was completely clear and the hair had grown back.

The scabies was treated and the hair started to grow back
The scabies was treated and the hair started to grow back

Three months after Gedalia arrived here, the rehabilitation process was complete. He has become a healthy and happy donkey and has found an adoptive home in the North.

Gedalia after rehabilitation in his new home
Gedalia after rehabilitation in his new home

The Battle Against Horse and Donkey Abuse Continues Unabated

Neglected horse and donkey will undergo rehabilitation in the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel

Another chapter in the ongoing battle against horse and donkey abuse started a few days ago, when a horse and donkey were brought to the Society’s stables suffering from neglect. As in many previous instances, the SPCA, which has rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of horses and donkeys in recent years, was the only organization that came to the rescue of these two unfortunate, helpless creatures.

The unfortunate and neglected horse was found in bad condition, hungry and wounded
The unfortunate and neglected horse was found in bad condition, hungry and wounded

Following a call from the superintendents of the Tel Aviv Municipality Veterinary Department, a groom was sent out to rescue a horse harnessed to a cart loaded with ironware in the south of the city. The unfortunate and neglected animal was found in bad condition, hungry and wounded, with cuts on his body that were apparently caused by the iron and the unprofessionally attached harness, his legs were swollen as a result of very hard work and his hooves were neglected since they hadn’t been trimmed for a long time. Not surprisingly, this is the fourth horse that was taken away from the same wagon owner as a result of neglect.

The horse, approximately nine years old, was brought to the Society where he underwent veterinary examination and is now under observation. Following the veterinarian’s recommendation, the horse, who needs a long period of rest, is on a special diet and his wounds are being cared for. Soon he will undergo special hoof trimming and dental treatment.

Unprofessionally attached iron and harness caused wounds and cuts
Unprofessionally attached iron and harness caused wounds and cuts

Two days later, a one-and-a-half year old donkey joined the Society’s stables, having been found wandering around Mazkeret Batya, after running away or being abandoned by its owners. A veterinarian examination showed that the donkey needs special food, deworming shots and special washes and creams to treat scabies and sores from which he is suffering. Once the horse and donkey regain their strength they will be neutered, and then we will be able to find them responsible owners.

Rehabilitation of the horses and donkeys in the SPCA stables involves great expense – expert veterinarian care, medical treatments, medicines and quality food. Please help us cover these expenses through contributions, big or small, on our contributions page or by phone *4553.

Rescued from a cycle of suffering

Authorities failing to take responsibility and continue to ignore: another donkey rescued and transferred to rehabilitation in the SPCA stables

While the authorities continue to ignore and remain impotent, many animals are suffering cruel and vicious abuse and criminal neglect. SPCA Israel is continuing to expend vast resources in the rescue, treatment and rehabilitation of these animals.

Yesterday evening (29.6.2013), a police officer from the Oranit region called the SPCA requesting assistance in the rescue of a donkey that has been abused. According to the officer, two young boys from the PA territories who infiltrated Israel’s borders riding the donkey wanted to return home. The donkey, who was on the verge of collapse, resisted and the two boys began beating the donkey viciously. The officer arrested the boys, confiscated the donkey and after several parties who were contacted to rescue the donkey failed to respond, he called the SPCA.

A rescuer from the SPCA contacted Dr. Tzvia Mildenberg, who is responsible equines in the Ministry of Agriculture, for assistance and received the following SMS: “I am unable to help with the rescue. There is no budget. I am sorry”. The rescue rushed to the site with a rescue vehicle and carriage, collected the donkey and brought him to the SPCA stables.

An examination of the donkey revealed that it was about three years old and in a state of exhaustion. The photos speak for themselves: the miserable, emaciated donkey suffers from wounds in the back and chest area, indicating that in addition to the beatings it suffered, the donkey was also bound to a wagon and transported heavy loads. Following its rescue from the abuse it suffered, the donkey has been carefully monitored and is receiving quality food. Its injuries are being treated with antiseptic washes. The donkey requires long-term rest and rehabilitation.

The rescue of the donkey in a special carriage, the food it receives, the medical treatment and long-term rehabilitation that it faces has incurred thousands of NIS in expenses. Please help us finance these treatments through donations via the website or by calling Telephone *4553 in order to help us help continue assisting suffering animals in real time.

Over the past several weeks, the SPCA has rescued a donkey from an army base in the south, and a horse that was overworked on the streets of Tel-Aviv. In both cases, as with many other cases, the authorities, which are responsible for the welfare of animals and for enforcing animal cruelty laws, have continued to ignore the suffering of animals. The SPCA was the only party to come to their assistance. Unfortunately, the systematic impotence of the authorities, which employs people in dedicated positions for these kinds of cases, are perpetuating this twisted situation of animals in Israel and is sending a harsh message to citizens who are sensitive to their welfare.

The Advent of the White Donkey

The Society rescued an unfortunate donkey while the authorities continue to ignore the plight of animals in distress

Two days ago a report was received in the SPCA’s call center about a neglected ten-year-old donkey found wandering around an army base in the south of the country. Unfortunately, the Society’s appeals to the authorities responsible for such cases went unanswered; as in most of these cases, the military veterinarian was unavailable and the Ministry of Agriculture simply ignored the request for help in evacuating the donkey.

In order to evacuate the donkey, the SPCA hired a special transport van at a cost of NIS1,100 and sent a groom to the military base in the evening. He brought the donkey to the Society’s stable for treatment.

As we said, this is not the first time that the authorities have ignored animals in distress. Last week, following a report of a horse in bad shape that was confiscated by the police in the Taibe region, the Ministry of Agriculture refused to vacate it and take it to a safe shelter. Dr. Tzvia Mindelberg, head of the equine field in the Ministry of Agriculture, claimed that she was unable to help due to budgetary limitations.

It is unreasonable that those entrusted with animal welfare and enforcement of the Animal Welfare Law, who receive a budget for this purpose, continually ignore the serous cases of abuse and neglect, do not respond to calls made to them by the police and other citizens and leave the matter of aid to those organizations who exist on donations. This conduct conveys a very negative message to the public and perpetuates the miserable conditions of the suffering animals.

The wretched and worn out donkey that was brought to the Society is in low physical condition following what appears to be a long period of suffering and neglect. He is suffering from an open wound on his hind leg that was not treated for a long time and around which maggots have accumulated. Now he is being fed with nourishing and high quality food, is getting medical care and we hope that in about a month, when his condition improves, we will find a suitable place where he will be given a home.

In order for us to continue helping animals in distress real time, we need your support to meet the costs of rescue and medical treatment. Every contribution, even the smallest, will help in the welfare of these animals.

To contribute, click here.

Freedom Calls

Just before the stables are renovated, rehabilitated donkeys find a warm home

After five intensive years, during which more than 500 horses and donkeys were saved from suffering and cruel abuse and then rehabilitated, the Society’s stables urgently need immediate renovations. In order to put the renovation plans into action, the stables’ grooms had to find good housing solutions for the rehabilitated animals, and the search for suitable people with experience in caring for these animals was put into high gear.

After abuse and suffering was their daily fate for extended periods of time, the donkeys who finally reached the Society were rehabilitated and cared for by a team of skilled caregivers. Last week, a permanent solution was found for them, and four donkeys set off for their new home – hundreds of acres of green, natural pastures. The donkeys joined the herd of 80 donkeys already living in this northern paradise, some of whom had been brought there in the past by the Society. Not only will the donkeys in their new, safe and protected home not return to the circle of suffering, they are also helping to thin out the weeds growing around the organic fish ponds in a natural way, thus avoiding the need for chemicals.

Upon arrival, the donkeys who were taken off the truck immediately understood that they had reached a safe haven and began to devour the weeds, to gallop in the fields and to smell freedom to its full extent. The four donkeys have acclimatized well and we are sure that they will enjoy good and happy lives.

If you love horses and donkeys and if saving them from abuse and bringing them to rehabilitation is a subject close to your hearts, please give a few minutes of your time to reading about the Society’s Activities on this subject.

Donations, even the smallest, will be welcome. The donations will go towards renovating the stables, and preparing them to take in more horses and donkeys.