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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!


My name is Psycho, and when I arrived at the Society I was short-tempered, sick and had lost my faith in man, after years of pulling wagons and being badly abused. Today I am healthy and even prone to smiling, thanks to the long rehabilitation that I underwent

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Though I am not so young and have seen one or two things in my life, I still did not believe that once I was brought to the Society the staff here would succeed in healing all my sores and the fungus that I suffered from. Today I am one of the best looking (and healthiest!) horses in the Guest House

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פנסיון האגודה פתוח לחיות מחמד של תושבים שנאלצו להתפנות בעקבות השריפות - אגודת צער בעלי חיים בישראל

In the Line of Fire

The SPCA sent veterinary rescuers to the Carmel Region to help with the animals of the evacuated residents

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חילוץ פשוש

Flag to the rescue

A warbler that was trapped in the lobby of the MobileAccess Company was released through the use of a flag

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