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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

הכלבה תחת השגחה רפואית

Chains of Torment

Fighting for her life – a young dog whose throat was slashed is now hospitalized in the Society’s clinic

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קסם בתום תהליך השיקום

A Magical Dog

Having suffered from burns and undergoing recuperation in the SPCA, Kessem is looking for an adoptive home

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קמפיין להמרת מנהג הכפרות בפדיון צדקה

Other Ways to Make Atonement

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel is campaigning to raise public awareness of the need to exchange the Kapparot custom to one of giving charity

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If you had seen me a year ago, when I first got here, I am sure you wouldn’t have given me the noble name of Caesar. Due to a long period of neglect my eye was in bad shape and the staff here in the Society looked after me devotedly until I was fully recovered

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My name is Alex, I am a wonderful horse, very sociable and blind in one eye. I think that that is the reason that I was abandoned. Luckily I was brought to the Society where my leg was treated and I was taught how to go out for rides with all the necessary caution

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Poncho’s New Life

Having suffered abuse and undergone rehabilitation in the Society’s clinic, Poncho has finally found a warm home

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The first months of my life were not easy. My mother was sick and thin, so I didn’t get enough nourishment. When they had treated us here in the Society stables, two other foals arrived and Mother agreed to adopt them

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When I reached the Society I was a young foal. I suffered from acute pain caused by a deep wound in my leg and I was underweight. Today I am well and have even gained an adoptive mother and two great brothers, with whom I like to play and run around

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