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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

Fallen and arisen

Raven and dove chicks that fell from their nests are being treated at the Society, and when they will be able to care for themselves they will be released

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צילום: אור גולד

Dogs in a Gallery

Young people chose to photograph the dogs of the Society in the framework of an experiential workshop of a photography course

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Born to Freedom

Shalom Hanoch aided the representative of the Society in releasing a swift that had been trapped near his window sill

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ח"כ זבולון אורלב

Parliamentary Visit

Knesset Member Zevulon Orlev, one of the supporters of the law to outlaw the importing of furs, came to visit the Society

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הבעלים יצאו לחופשה והשאירו את הכלבים קשורים ללא מזון ומים

Dogs in Distress

Three dogs were left tied up and starving when their owners went on vacation for ten days, leaving them with no food or care

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Doves in a trap

The lives of doves trapped under the roof of a building as a result of the policies of company that was brought in to remove them, were saved thanks to the intervention of the Society

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