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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

Kittens Class Photo - Graduates of Spring 2015

Class Photo

Tens of abandoned kittens, who were born last spring, are crying out for gentle hands to stroke them and warm homes to live in

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Little Oren

A tiny kitten was rescued from the tree top by the Petah Tikvah Fire Brigade

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חתול משחיז ציפורניים

Cats’ Claws

Behavioral problems of cats: How do we solve the problem of cats sharpening their claws on the furniture?

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Night Creature

Is your cat not letting you sleep at night? A short adaptation period, including games, stimuli and patience, will solve the problem

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