Following a report from passers-by about a horse in distress in the vicinity of Taibe, the Society immediately sent out a special team to the location. They discovered a poor seven-year-old horse, wounded and emaciated, who had collapsed from exhaustion and could not get back up on her feet. With the help of others in the area, the team managed to lift her on to the trailer and take her to the Society’s Horses’ Home.

The horse, that was named Hamsa, underwent veterinarian examination, which established that she was suffering from a serious open wound on her back, apparently caused by misuse of her saddle. The examination also revealed that she was dehydrated, malnourished, in need of hoof trimming after a long period of neglect, and needed to have her teeth filed.
Hamsa has been put on a special diet with expensive supplements to help her gain weight. In the first couple of days she still found it difficult to stand, and now she appears to be getting stronger. She has been antibiotics and analgesics for her sores and when she recovers, her teeth will be filed and she will get special care for her hooves.

It is anticipated that Hamsa’s recuperation period will be long, involving thousands of NIS in expenses. We request the public’s help in Hamsa’s recuperation by contributions and ask that any instances of animals in distress be reported to us.