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Having suffering terrible abuse and when I could no longer work, I was abandoned and left in dreadful pain. Fortunately I was brought to the SPCA Horses’ Guest House, where I was treated devotedly and underwent a long process of rehabilitation. Today the pain and hard work are merely a distant memory

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If you had seen me when I first got here, you wouldn’t believe your eyes today. I was a scared, young and obstinate foal suffering from malnutrition and unable to trust anyone. Madonna adopted and nursed me and slowly but surely I managed to gain weight Today I am a healthy and friendly horse

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גורי חתולים לאימוץ

Baby Zoom

They are sweet, heartwarming, and are looking forward to taking their first steps in a warm home. Come to adopt them!

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After 18 years of back-breaking toil I have finally come out of slavery to freedom and have reached a safe haven, just before Passover. The SPCA team accepted me to the Horses’ Guest House, immediately began to treat me and gave me the name Shula

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