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When she was found wandering in an open area, Brigitte, one and a half year old mare, was brought to the Society stables with a deep cut in her leg and in a state of malnourishment. The deep wound was infected, and following thorough cleansing Brigitte had stiches and a drain inserted for a fortnight. In addition Brigitte received nutritional supplements for a few months until she reached her correct weight and her leg healed up completely.

Brigitte on the day she reached the SPCA - thin, exhausted and hardly able to stand
Brigitte on the day she reached the SPCA – thin, exhausted and hardly able to stand

Brigitte was supported by Madonna, an older mare who adopted her lovingly, Madonna’s foal, Justin and another foal by the name of Oliver, who all quickly became attached to her, turning the four horses into a warm and sweet family unit. Slowly and gradually Brigitte began to blossom and develop self-confidence. Today she is able to run around freely, enjoying a relaxing life with her friends in the Society’s Guest House for Horses.

Brigitte enjoying the Horses' Guest House
Brigitte enjoying the Horses’ Guest House
Brigitte today - healthy and happy
Brigitte today – healthy and happy

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Brigitte was adopted by owners of a private horse farm.

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