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The Battle Against Horse and Donkey Abuse Continues Unabated

Another chapter in the ongoing battle against horse and donkey abuse started a few days ago, when a horse and donkey were brought to the Society’s stables suffering from neglect. As in many previous instances, the SPCA, which has rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of horses and donkeys in recent years, was the only organization that came to the rescue of these two unfortunate, helpless creatures.

The unfortunate and neglected horse was found in bad condition, hungry and wounded
The unfortunate and neglected horse was found in bad condition, hungry and wounded

Following a call from the superintendents of the Tel Aviv Municipality Veterinary Department, a groom was sent out to rescue a horse harnessed to a cart loaded with ironware in the south of the city. The unfortunate and neglected animal was found in bad condition, hungry and wounded, with cuts on his body that were apparently caused by the iron and the unprofessionally attached harness, his legs were swollen as a result of very hard work and his hooves were neglected since they hadn’t been trimmed for a long time. Not surprisingly, this is the fourth horse that was taken away from the same wagon owner as a result of neglect.

The horse, approximately nine years old, was brought to the Society where he underwent veterinary examination and is now under observation. Following the veterinarian’s recommendation, the horse, who needs a long period of rest, is on a special diet and his wounds are being cared for. Soon he will undergo special hoof trimming and dental treatment.

Unprofessionally attached iron and harness caused wounds and cuts
Unprofessionally attached iron and harness caused wounds and cuts

Two days later, a one-and-a-half year old donkey joined the Society’s stables, having been found wandering around Mazkeret Batya, after running away or being abandoned by its owners. A veterinarian examination showed that the donkey needs special food, deworming shots and special washes and creams to treat scabies and sores from which he is suffering. Once the horse and donkey regain their strength they will be neutered, and then we will be able to find them responsible owners.

Rehabilitation of the horses and donkeys in the SPCA stables involves great expense – expert veterinarian care, medical treatments, medicines and quality food. Please help us cover these expenses through contributions, big or small, on our contributions page or by phone *4553.

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