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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!


I was orphaned when I was only three months old and I suffered from developmental problems because of a lack of mother’s milk. In the SPCA stables they take care of me and I even have an adopted mother – Cheetah – who watches out for me and never leaves me for even a moment

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סירוס ועיקור חתולים

Cat Sterilization Campaign

By the end of December – Castration and spaying of cats at only NIS100 in the SPCA Veterinary Clinic in Tel Aviv and the Sharon area SPCA Veterinary Clinic in Moshav Bnei Zion

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For long years, I slaved away pulling wagons while my health was neglected. Luckily for me, I reached the SPCA stables, where I am undergoing rehabilitation and getting professional, medical care. In the stables I adopted Shirley, a young orphaned filly

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Kittens Class Photo - Graduates of Spring 2015

Class Photo

Tens of abandoned kittens, who were born last spring, are crying out for gentle hands to stroke them and warm homes to live in

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קורה בזמן השיקום באגודה

Starting Over

After being rehabilitated in the SPCA, following a period of severe abuse, Cora has found a warm home

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