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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

כלבים וחתולים כהי פרווה

Love has No Color

Dark-haired animals have more trouble finding adoptive homes than their light-colored friends. The SPCA’s new Facebook campaign will encourage the public to adopt the dark-hued animals as well.

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קמפיין להמרת מנהג הכפרות בפדיון צדקה

Other Ways to Make Atonement

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel is campaigning to raise public awareness of the need to exchange the Kapparot custom to one of giving charity

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השר להגנת הסביבה גלעד ארדן

Not Your Kind of Atonement

MK’s from different parties and Rabbi Menachem Froman have joined the Society’s campaign calling to exchange the slaughter of chickens with the giving of charity when carrying out the custom of Kapparot

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התרנגולים מובלים בתנאים קשים וממתינים לסכין השוחט שעות ארוכות ללא אוכל ומים

Not your atonement

Atonement should be done with money and not with blood. A summary of the informative activities of the Society to foster replacing the Kaparot ceremony with the giving of charity

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The High Holy Days

SPCA Israel’s campaign: encouraging the public to redeem the animals used for atonement instead of slaughtering those chickens

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