Nature’s Way

Calendar 2015 – Vegan Recipes All Year Round

The SPCA Israel annual calendar is dedicated this year to vegan recipes, with the aim of raising public awareness to lessening consumption of animal products and reducing animal suffering.

Many chefs joined forces to create this year’s calender: Reena Pushkarna (“Tandoori”), Sawalee Eldar, Tziona Melman, Avigail Meizlick and Nof Etmana Ismail (“Master Chef”) as well as chocolatier Ika Cohen, culinary expert Yael Gerty, health consultant Umina Kedmi and naturopath Yigal Kutin who contributed recipes for dishes that do not involve animal suffering. The result – a colorful, beautiful calendar that is perfectly suited for hanging in the kitchen, including attractive photos and a wide range of recipes for hors d’oeuvres, salads, soups, casseroles, drinks and desserts – all based on pure veganism.

Som Tam Salad - Chef Sawalee Eldar. From the calendar. Photography: Shiran Carmel
Som Tam Salad – Chef Sawalee Eldar. From the calendar. Photography: Shiran Carmel

According to Hilma Shmoskowitz, Chairperson of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel (Volunteer): “The Society, that was a pioneer in every issue concerning struggles against abuse and use of animals in the food industry, research, entertainment and fashion, takes a pivotal role to this day in promoting laws for the welfare of animals in the industrial markets. Each one of us has the freedom to act according to his or her own conscience and to choose what food we eat, but one must demonstrate personal responsibility, not avert one’s eyes from what really takes place, and to be aware of the path which our food took on its way to our mouths. Change of long-standing habits is a challenging process, but even lessening consumption of animal products is a meaningful step towards lessening the incomprehensible extent of suffering caused to animals raised as raw products for our food”.

The calendar will be sent to all those who contribute donations of over 35 NIS by phone (03-5136500 or *4553) as long as supplies last.

To view the calendar and the vegan recipes Click here.

Vegan Chocolate Dessert – Umina Kedmi. From the calendar. Photography: Zohar Ron
Vegan Chocolate Dessert – Umina Kedmi. From the calendar. Photography: Zohar Ron

We wish to express our appreciation to the media consultancy firm “Lavyaney Communications”, which provides spokesperson services to the SPCA, who produced the calendar, and to “Mentors Print” who assisted in its printing.

A Year of Love

The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel presents: Calendar 2014-2015

As the New Year approaches, SPCA Israel is publishing its annual calendar for 2014-15. This year, our traditional calendar is dedicated to dogs that were adopted from the shelter by families with children, and to the unique ties that develop between children and dogs.

The months of the year are decorated with beautiful pictures; of Agam Pappel with her dog Zoe, Omri Yaron with his dog, Lucci, the brothers Yael and Lior Arbiv with their dog Toffy and many other children photographed with their beloved four-legged friends, reflecting the great joy that animals have brought to their homes.

Of the intense attachment and love between children and dogs, movingly expressed in this year’s calendar, much has been written and researched. For many children, their family pet is their best friend – a companion who offers infinite love, helping the child develop responsibility, self-confidence, sensitivity towards others and the ability to both receive and give emotionally. Research indicates that caring for a pet brings added value to the child’s development and contributes significantly to promoting a positive self-image and emotional development.

In addition, a child who takes care of a pet and makes a connection with it, will learn to develop empathy, will better understand the other and will develop social skills and a rich array of problem-solving strategies. It is our hope that this calendar will encourage many more families to adopt animals and so gain unconditional love, friendship and loyalty.

The calendar will be sent to all who make a telephone (03-5136500 or *4553) donation of NIS 35 or more, till stock runs out.

We wish to thank photographer, Shiran Carmel, and graphic designer, Shira Lautman, who volunteered to create this calendar, and to the “Solano” and “Ensol” Companies, who contributed to its production.

To see the calendar, click here.

The New Year’s Calendar for 2012-2013 has just been published

This year's beautifully produced calendar emphasizes the special bond between the golden age generation and their pets

Tirtza Levy and her beloved dog Lucky, Tova Tzabar and Luko with the lion’s mane hairstyle, and Eva and George Komlush, hugging their adorable terrier, Pippi, are just some of the “Guys and Girls of the Month”, whose photos decorate the new SPCA calendar. Publication of the calendar has become a tradition, focusing each year on a specific topic dedicated to the welfare of animals in Israel.

The two-legged models are all of the golden age generation who opened their hearts to welcome a new friend for life. The four-legged friends are all dogs and cats who were adopted from the Society, finding love, warm homes and a helping hand from these kind people.

According to Hilma Shmoshkovitz, the Chairperson of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel: “The Society, now in its 85th year of activity, has always maintained warm ties with senior citizens; some of them, like those photographed in the calendar, adopted animals from the Society, coming from time to time to the clinic for vaccinations and other treatment, others volunteer in a variety of spheres and contribute their time and know-how for the benefit of the animals while many others take part in the special activities run by the Society’s Department for Humanistic Education in old-age homes, day centers and protected residential complexes”.

The beautiful calendar will be sent to all contributing over NIS40, supply allowing. Contributions can be made through our website or by phone *4553 (NIS 50 additional cost for overseas deliveries).

The calendar, produced with the generous assistance of Excellence Nessuah Investment House, Y. Hazenvald – Insurance Agency, Mercantile Discount Bank, and Dr. Alice Naumoff-Raban, spotlights the subject of the special bond between members of the golden age generation and their pets.

Numerous studies have shown the wide-ranging consequences for the elderly of raising pets or just spending time in their company, including improved physical and emotional health, alleviation of loneliness, a sense of optimism and high self-esteem, increased physical activity and forming of social connections, – in short, overall improved quality of life. Research carried out in Australia demonstrates how the presence of pets during the transition to protected residential facilities has great importance in the enhancing of emotional welfare and the social adaptation ability of the new residents. Dogs trained for this purpose can also help disabled elderly people in their physiotherapy. Senior citizens can benefit from a relationship with animals, even if they do not raise pets themselves and just connect with them in neighborhood parks, at others’ homes or during organized activities.

The above indicates the importance of raising public awareness of this topic, to encourage those elderly who are so inclined to raise pets or to spend time in the company of animals, to help them with the care of their pets whenever necessary and to encourage homes for the elderly to allow residents to keep pets.

For viewing the calendar Click here.

Ofer Yerushalmi and Jonas
Ofer Yerushalmi and Jonas

The New Calendar

The Society presents: A new calendar and unique souvenir items

As the new year approaches, The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel is proud to present its new calendar for the year 2011-12.

This colorful wall calendar, like its predecessors of previous years, contains spectacular photos alongside moving stories of the animals who received shelter in the Society. In this way you will be able to get a small taste of the activities undertaken by the Society for the sake of animal welfare in Israel. The calendar is a perfect solution for those looking for an original gift that provides added value both to the giver and the recipient of the gift for the upcoming holidays.

This year the calendar focuses on dogs and cats who were abandoned or mistreated, brought to the Society and treated by our staff with dedicated care before being adopted into loving homes.

The calendar can be purchased by credit card for NIS 30 (including mailing costs) by phone: *4553 during the Society’s regular office hours: Sun-Thur: 8:00-20:00, Fri: 8:00-14:00 and Sat: 11:00-14:00. A personal greeting can be included in the delivery.

For viewing the calendar, click here.