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כרמי וליידי

Shalom to you, my Lady

Carmi, who is officially a handicapped IDF veteran, wounded in the Yom Kippur War, adopted Carmi fifteen years ago when she was a puppy. Over the years Carmi took care of Lady with love and devotion and she served as his companion. Recently Carmi moved to a hostel in central Israel, and because of their policy he could not take Lady with him. The cute Lady arrived at the SPCA and Dr. Ayah Peri volunteered to bring her every week to visit Carmi in his new home.

Now we are looking for a warm adoptive home for Lady with new owners who will agree to bring her to visit Carmi, who loves her. If the story of Lady and Carmi touches your heart and you are interested in adopting her, you can get additional information from the offices of the SPCA: *4553.

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