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תרומה שלך יכולה להציל אותם!

If you love animals and are looking for a way to help, our dogs and cats are waiting for you!

רכישת כלבים גזעיים

How much evil can be bought?

Before we buy a purebred dog, especially if it is imported from abroad, it is a good idea to know the difficult implications. Attorney Idan Abuhav writes about this painful phenomenon

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כרמי וליידי

Shalom to you, my Lady

For years Carmi raised his beloved dog Lady, but recently they had to separate. Now Carmi, who misses Lady, has one request to those who are interested in adopting Lady

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חוק לצמצום התרבות בעלי החיים המשוטטים

New bill in the Knesset

Bill for the reduction of reproduction of homeless animals (spaying and neutering) passed the second and third readings in the Knesset

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אקריות אזניים

Ear Mites in Cats

The symptoms are a thick black secretion, severe itching of the ear, head shaking and a severe ear inflammation

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