Education Minister Naftali Bennett visits the Society

SPCA Club celebrates three years: Israel's Education Minister Naftali Bennett arrived at the Society for a visit, received an overview of club activities and joined a training day for the SPCA lead-team from Gedera

Education Minister Naftali Bennett visited the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel to mark three years since the founding of SPCA Club – a unique educational project with 250 members from primary schools, middle schools, high schools and preschools, from the Jewish, Arab, religious and special education sectors, all working in various ways for the benefit of animals.

During his visit, the minister attended a training day for the SPCA lead-team from Darca Begin School in Gedera, who joined SPCA Club as part of the Society’s collaboration with the MOFET Association. The minister heard explanations from Society staff members about the club’s activities and was very impressed by the wonderful achievements of the various lead-team members, who, after training at the Society, go back to their schools and initiate activities for the benefit of animals in distress, and recruit their peers to this noble cause. During the guided tour held for the lead-team, the minister joined them in walking the dogs being sheltered at the Society and chatted with them about the project.

SPCA Club continues to grow and develop, and the number of schools and preschools interested in joining the project is on the rise. According to Yaniv Ovadia from the Society’s Humane Education Department, “The reason for the club’s success, beyond the fact that it is offered to schools at no cost, is that children by nature really love to contribute and lend a hand, especially when it involves something they truly care about, like animals. Furthermore, children love being empowered and given responsibility, and SPCA Club is the right platform for this.”

Schools and preschools interested in joining SPCA Club are welcome to contact the Society’s Humane Education Department at *4553.

The Dream Team

The SPCA Team Initiated a Cake Sale Event and Donated a Sizeable Sum in Aid of Animals

Pupils from the Tel Hai School in South Tel Aviv have long been active in the SPCA Club, for the benefit of animals, an activity organized by the Society’s Department of Humanistic Education. On a regular basis the children raise money through collecting bottles designated for recycling, with the refunds they collect being used to purchase dog and cat food for the abandoned animals in the Society.

Last week, members of the SPCA team from 5th Grade 1, who serve as SPCA ambassadors in the Tel Hai School, initiated an admirable activity where they succeeded in raising the most impressive sum of NIS1,360.

They achieved this by holding a Bake Sale where they sold homemade cakes they baked with the help of their parents.

This fund-raising event was held on Tu B’Shvat, dedicated by the school to environmental protection. During recess, the team members set out tables in the school yard, decorated them with placards calling for the pupils to buy a slice of cake at NIS2, with the money raised to be donated to animals. The 26 cakes baked by the children and their parents were gone within a few minutes! Even when they ran out of cakes, the team members encouraged the pupils to go on donating and were met with a generous response. In addition to the significant sum of money raised by the cake sale, the adorable kids also collected hundreds of empty bottles designated for recycling.

We at the Society thank and salute the children, their parents and the school staff for their most welcome initiative and willingness to support the SPCA time after time.

The cakes and cookies prepared by the team members and their parents
The cakes and cookies prepared by the team members and their parents

The SPCA Team is made up of school kids who are members of the SPCA Club. Through the Club, educational institutions collect empty bottles for recycling, with the refund money used to purchase food for the animals sheltered in the SPCA. The schools taking part in the project send a selected group of pupils to the SPCA where they undergo special training. Following the training, the team members serve as SPCA ambassadors in their schools. They give lectures in their classes and organize activities for the benefit of animals with the support of the SPCA Department of Humanistic Education and the school educational staff.

Schools interested in taking part in the project and joining the SPCA Club, are invited to contact the Department of Humanistic Education at telephone *4553.