The Hamster Villa

A large house was built especially for the hamsters that were brought to the Society

Not just dogs and cats find shelter at SPCA, but also horses, donkeys, rabbits, hens and roosters, ducks, birds and others.

Due to the large number of hamsters brought to the Society, most of them from private folks who decided, for whatever reason, they can no longer care for them, a large house, which we call “the hamster villa” was built for them.


The villa was planned meticulously to grant the hamsters optimal conditions in a rich environment and provide for all their needs. It includes several floors, hiding places, a ‘playground’ and various other facilities – all designed for this purpose from natural materials. To avoid uncontrolled reproduction and overcrowding, all make hamsters underwent neutering at the Society’s veterinary clinic.

It’s important to emphasize that the hamster villa is not a petting zoo and the hamsters are not candidates for adoption. Visitors at our shelter are invited to watch the hamsters, and anyone interested in further information of raising hamsters can ask the staff about it.

Off to Market I Go

Possession of animals in contradiction to the Law in the Kfar Kassem Market

Hagit Levy – Adoption Counselor in the Society


Last Saturday my friends and I decided to take advantage of the pleasant weather and unseasonal sunshine, by taking a trip up north. During the day we reached the market in Kfar Kassem, a place I had never visited, and so I was unready for the sights that met my eye.

As soon as we reached the market compound I saw from afar a row of cages and heard strange shouting, such as: “Pedigree Doberman for sale”, and so on. When I drew near, I saw a young man holding a box with four small puppies that were also up for sale. Nearby there were other peddlers offering their wares: rabbits, roosters, parrots and hamsters. I, having been involved with animal welfare for over five years and having worked in the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for the past two years, have been exposed to sights of serious abuse and neglect towards animals, but I certainly hadn’t expected to see that awful animal market on a day that was supposed to be restful and fun.

Along the way my attention was drawn to a young goose locked into a cage. He wasn’t injured but looked neglected and pitiful. Two minutes later and with NIS50 less in my pocket, the goose was in my car. Following a check-up by the veterinarian in the Society, the goose was transferred to the animal enclosure. There he is taken care of daily and has the added pleasure of a swimming pool.

I wish to point out that there is no harm in the sale of animals and transferring ownership to others, but these things must be carried out responsibly, under appropriate conditions, with extra attention given to the way the animals are kept and looked after. It is important to ensure that the animals are checked by a qualified veterinarian and have received all the necessary inoculations. In the case of dogs, the law requires valid rabies vaccinations and microchips. We in the Society recommend, obviously, to have all cats and dogs neutered. It is unbearable to think about those poor animals being sold for profit, uncared for, as though they were merchandize…

Keeping animals under such conditions as were found in that market, as well as in other markets in Israel, is in total contradiction to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinances (Protection of Animals, Possession for Reasons other than Agriculture), 2009. A complaint was filed in the Ministry of Agriculture, who told us that inspections are carried out regularly in the Kfar Kassem market and that the Ministry’s inspectors will return there in the near future. If you come across animals being held under inappropriate conditions, please report the case to the police, the Ministry of Agriculture or give us the details of the case.

Survival – Cockerel-Style

A brave chicken who escaped the butcher’s knife on Yom Kippur Eve, is being treated in the Society

On the morning of Yom Kippur Eve, and in the throes of the Society’s publicity efforts against the custom of the slaughtering of chickens, one of our volunteers, Eliezer Schwartz, was travelling on the Lod road, when he was taken by surprise by a chicken jumping into the road. Schwartz saw that the chicken was bleeding, but as it was dehydrated and exhausted he was easily able to catch it. The deep cut in its neck along with the sight of the feathers that had been plucked from its body, gave away the fact that it had escaped the butcher’s knife during the Kapparot ceremony.

The frightened chicken received first aid, which was followed-up with professional treatment by Dr. Kaminsky, a veterinary surgeon and expert on fowl, who stitched the wound. Now the chicken, which was given the name Kapparah, is under medical surveillance and antibiotic medication, and will soon join the other birds and chickens in the Society’s animal corner.

We wish to express our appreciation to Dr. Kaminsky for taking care of Kapparah, and hope that in the future people will choose to observe the Kapparot ceremony through giving charity and not by slaughtering animals.

Attacking dogs in Menachem Begin Park

A duck attacked by dogs was rescued and healed at the Society's clinic

A simple stroll by a Tel Aviv resident in the city’s South Park ended in his rescuing a duck that was attacked by dogs.

About two weeks ago a Tel Aviv resident was taking an enjoyable stroll in South Park, when strange sounds suddenly drew his attention. When he got to the source of the sounds, the resident saw dogs attacking ducks close to the pond in the park. The resident chased away the dogs and discovered that two ducks had been killed as a result of the attack, and that a wounded and bleeding duck was still alive. Without hesitation the resident quickly brought the duck to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel, where the veterinarians immediately began to treat it.

The veterinarians of the Society’s clinic found signs of deep bite wounds that injured, among other things, a leg muscle of the duck. It is likely that the duck would not have survived, they said, had it not been brought in for treatment. After cleaning its wounds and giving it antibiotics, the duck was put into a special heated room, and over the course of the last two weeks it underwent physiotherapy in order to strengthen the injured leg muscles.

הברווז מטופל במרפאה הווטרינרית של האגודה

Today the duck was transferred to the petting zoo of the Society. For the first stage, the duck was put in the area where the chickens and rodents are kept, since it is still weak, and because of the possibility that the other ducks might attack the newcomer to their facility. We hope that in the near future the duck will regain its strength and it will be able to join the duck flock at the petting zoo.

We wish to thank the city resident who showed resourcefulness in chasing away the dogs and in saving the injured duck. Since it is not clear whether the attacking dogs are abandoned dogs or belong to owners, we request that all dog owners follow the law by unleashing their dogs only in areas where it is permitted to do so and thus prevent such sad and unnecessary occurrences. Furthermore, we ask the public to be aware of any threats to animals, and to report any instance of attack, abuse or neglect that comes to their attention, to the offices of the Society.

Fallen and arisen

Raven and dove chicks that fell from their nests are being treated at the Society, and when they will be able to care for themselves they will be released

The Society for Prevention Cruelty to Animals in Israel accepts many different types of animals. Of course dogs and cats are the animals we primarily care for, however we treat all types of animals that need help, and whenever necessary we transfer them to the appropriate agencies.

In recent weeks many nestlings were brought to us, primarily ravens and doves, which had fallen from their nests. This phenomenon happens when the nests are too small for the developing chicks, and the bigger chicks push the smaller ones until they sometimes fall from the nests. The parent birds of course cannot carry them back to the nests, and even if they do try to feed the little fallen chicks, they are still exposed to many dangers.

The ravens and doves usually nest in urban areas, in various parks and residential areas. Passersby who see the nestlings on the ground bring them to us, and additionally, representatives of the Society are sent to pick up other nestlings after reports from contacts.

The little chicks, which are still not able to fly, are treated at the Society’s premises. They receive food and water and afterwards are transferred to our animal corner. When they have become fully developed, we give them their freedom.

If you also find a nestling in this circumstance, please do not ignore it. Bring it to us or call the Society’s telephone number: *4553.