It’s Cold Outside

A Warm Winter for the Abandoned Cats and Dogs

Autumn has arrived and with it the first cold winds and rains heralding the coming winter. As the winter months approach, we in the Society are busy fixing up all the facilities to ensure that the animals will enjoy the best possible conditions and will not suffer from the winds, cold and rain.

These preparations and all the work involved make heavy demands on our budget, especially installation of the overhead awnings and wind barriers that will protect the animals from the wind and rain, special equipment for heating the enclosures, greater amounts of food and medicines as well as inflated electricity bills. In order to provide all of these for the animals who have found shelter in the Society, we will gladly receive financial donations to cover these expenses, as well as contributions of blankets, towels, sweaters and toys for the pets.

Awnings: The enclosures housing the dogs are divided into two parts – one closed with special resting areas where food and water is placed, and the other is open space giving the dogs the possibility of being out in the air and allowing potential adopters the possibility of seeing each one of the animals. Last year the Society invested a considerable sum installing awnings to protect the animals from wind and rain. These can be opened and closed on demand. As this winter approaches, we wish to complete the installation of these awnings.

Food: In cold conditions, the body needs more “fuel” to keep warm and during the winter months animals, too, are in need of extra food. Each month the Society uses more than a ton of animal food, and in winter the amount is even greater, as is the budget needed to cover these expenses.

Heating: Air-conditioners were installed when the cat home was renovated a couple of years ago. However, in the puppies and small dog departments there are still enclosures that need special warming lamps. Financially, this means increased costs for purchasing expensive equipment as well as soaring electricity bills in the winter months.

Medications and Personnel: The winter months bring with them increased sensitivity to illness amongst dogs and cats, some of whom suffer from respiratory diseases. The treatment and medical care make greater demands on the medication supplies and increased personnel is needed in the veterinary clinic.

We invite you to visit the Society, to choose a new four-legged friend and to offer it a warm home for the coming winter and for the rest of its life. Thank you in advance to our contributors. Wishing you all a warm and pleasant winter.