
My name is Butch and I was a very young foal when I came here with my sister, Zoe. I was suffering from malnutrition and a fungus infection but thanks to the medical and loving care I was given by the staff, I recovered completely and today I am enjoying a full and happy life

Butch, a young foal of a few months of age, was found wandering in the central regions with his sister, Zoe. He was brought to the Society stables in a state of dehydration, suffering from malnutrition and fungus on his legs and chest areas.

Zoe and Butch are never apart in the Horses' Guest House
Zoe and Butch are never apart in the Horses’ Guest House

During his rehabilitation, Butch was administered intravenous fluids, treated for worms, had his fungus sterilized and given nutritional supplements to help him gain weight. When his condition stabilized he began to eat regularly, and today he is an energetic and impressive horse, who enjoys a peaceful life beside his sister and the other horses in the stables.

Butch today - the long rehabilitation period is crowned with success
Butch today – the long rehabilitation period is crowned with success

Update: After a long process of rehabilitation Butch found an adoptive home and he lives happily with other horses.