
My name is Madonna, I reached the Society with my little son, Justin, suffering from serious health complaints. During my rehabilitation I underwent two operations as well as numerous treatments and I even adopted another two foals who needed a mother's loving care

Madonna, a 12 year-old mare who was found wandering with her three-month-old foal, Justin, was brought to the Society’s stables suffering from malnutrition, fungus all over her body, swollen hind-legs, pronounced lameness, exhaustion and dehydration. Despite her serious condition Madonna still nursed her little foal who seemed to be in good condition.

Following a veterinary examination, including hip and leg x-rays, she was diagnosed with a severe infection that caused her lameness. In addition saliva stones were discovered in her mouth, which made it difficult for her to eat and so immediate surgery was decided upon to remove the stones.

Madonna on her arrival in the stables - suffering from salivary stones in her mouth which prevented her from eating
Madonna on her arrival in the stables – suffering from salivary stones in her mouth which prevented her from eating

Shortly after Madonna and her foal’s arrival in the Society, two other young foals reached the stables; Brigitte and Oliver, whom Madonna adopted lovingly, protected and even nursed.

When the antibiotics did not improve Madonna’s infection, orthopedic surgery was decided upon, during which the infected area was drained and sterilized. The operation was a success and Madonna underwent a prolonged period of recuperation during which she was administered antibiotics.

Madonna is suffering from malnutrition but still nursing her foal
Madonna is suffering from malnutrition but still nursing her foal

Thanks to the vitamins and nutritional supplements that she received, Madonna gained weight and today she is in healthy condition. She continues to be a model mother, looking after her own and her two adopted foals.

Madonna today (second from right) - an exemplary mother
Madonna today (second from right) – an exemplary mother

Update: In the end of the rehabilitation process Madonna was adopted by owners of a private horse farm.